
Martin Hediger


The app follows the Presentation Model pattern and is based on the color picker app that was introduced in OOP2 class.

A Color is unambiguously defined by a tuple of three integers ranging from 0 to 255.

The app consists of a model that represents the state of the currently set color (ColorMixerPM) and a view (ColorMixerUI) which handles the user input. The entry point to the app is in the ColorMixerApp class.


The view his composed of an instance of the model and control instances, i.e. sliders, input fields and text labels. Sliders and input fields can accept user input, text labels can only display a value.

These integers of the tuple are implemented as JavaFX IntegerProperty. The slider and input field properties are bound bidirectionally to the corresponding property on the model to keep them in sync with the model.

To do

How should the radio buttons behave when a value that is not a strict basic color is set using the sliders or input fields? Out of a group at least one radio button has to be selected, but this is consistently possible if values other than 255 can be set.
