
Working SQL style guide for use cases involving coexistence/integration with Python

After the many evolutions my own SQL writing has gone through with the work experiences I've had, I decided to take a stab at codifying a set of style guidelines for SQL that play nice with Python. Whether it's migrating from one system to another, collaborating with other teams, or performing my own analysis, I have found myself time and time again having to put SQL within a triple-quoted Python string. And whether that string ends up in a notebook cell or script, it's worth bearing in mind the same principles of readability that apply to all code. Most style guides I have encountered consider SQL in isolation, so I tried to come up with something that considers things from a Pythonic perspective first.

There are many things left unaddressed by the current version of this style guide, but I wanted to open source it after sharing it among my work colleagues and other peers as it continues to develop. Open to any feedback, suggestions, and discussions!