
CyPSA Open Source Release



CyPSA Open Source Release

More information here: http://publish.illinois.edu/iti-cypsa/status/

What is CyPSA?

CyPSA is a Cyber-Physical Security Assessment toolset designed to improve reliability of grid operations. CyPSA researchers are developing scalable grid modeling, monitoring, and analysis tools to improve grid resiliency to system failures and cyber attacks. Theoretical and practical techniques are leveraged from cyber security and power engineering domains to develop new algorithms and software tools capable of analyzing real-world threats against power grid critical infrastructures including cyber components (e.g. communication networks), physical components (e.g. power lines), and interdependencies between the two in models and simulations.

Why CyPSA?

Security of the U.S. electric grid has historically been focused on protecting against accidental faults and failures of physical system components. The modern grid, with increased dependence on automation and control systems, is vulnerable to cyber system failures and cyber attacks. Power system operators also now need the ability to assess the grid’s cyber reliability and resilience against potential failures and attacks. Developing new grid security techniques and tools to address cyber and physical threats makes the grid more resilient to disturbances, failures, and potential attacks.

CyPSA Outcomes

  • Cyber-physical models and analysis tools
  • Captures connections and inter-dependencies of cyber and physical systems
  • Accounts for impact of cyber threats on grid reliability
  • What-if scenario analysis and prioritization of system-hardening and security patching efforts
  • Target Application: contingency analysis