
Mcedit text editor syntax higlighter definitions for FreeDesktop.org .desktop files

MIT LicenseMIT

MC Editor syntax higlighter definitions for FreeDesktop.org .desktop files

Author: Maxim Zhukov mzhukov31415dev@gmail.com
GitHub repository: https://github.com/mzhukov1973/mcedit-syntax-highlighter-desktop

Based on: FreeDesktop specs (version 1.2alpha from 2017-12-24)

Created on: 2018-05-06

Last updated on: 2019-09-14

Version: 0.0.2

License: MIT

Changes0.0.2: Added rules for .vala, [web]manifest.json & meson.build files.

Changes0.0.1: Initial commit, first draft.


For personal use:

Just drop desktop.syntax in ~/.config/mc/mcedit/syntax directory and add following two lines to the ~/.config/mc/mcedit/Syntax:

file ..\*\\.(desktop|DESKTOP)$ Desktop\sDefinition
include /home/yourusername/.config/mc/mcedit/syntax/desktop.syntax

Globaly, for everyone on the machine mc is running on:

Copy desktop.syntax in /usr/share/mc/syntax directory and add following two lines to the /usr/share/mc/syntax/Syntax:

file ..\*\\.(desktop|DESKTOP)$ Desktop\sDefinition
include /home/yourusername/.config/mc/mcedit/syntax/desktop.syntax