
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A C++ library replacing printf.

Main features

  • Small - Core library is < 2000 LoC

  • Header-only - No link-time dependencies, symbol import/export, etc.

  • Type-safe - When format string doesn't match the type, exception is thrown

  • Automatic default type - print("{:05}", 123) => int inferred; prints 00123

  • Positional arguments - print("{1} {0}", "latter", "former") prints former latter

  • Support for custom types - custom output formatting, custom format specifiers

  • Familiar printf-like format specifiers

print("{0:08x}", 255)    =>  000000ff
print("{0:1.5f}", 1.5)   =>  1.50000
print("{0:1.5g}", 1.5)   =>  1.5`
print("{0:.5e}", 1500.f) =>  1.50000e+3
  • Can print floating point numbers in hex and binary
print("{af}", 16.25)      => 10.40000 // hex float, fixed (f)
print("{bg}", 1.125)      => 1.001    // binary float, automatic (g)
print("{x}, 1.0f)         => 3f800000 // IEEE754 representation