Rosalind is an admin app for large-batch operations on artist and artwork genomes (Artsy-created genomes as well as "partner-applied categories").
Among its major components are Rails 5 + Kinetic on the backend and React + Webpack on the frontend.
You can read more about the motivation for the app over in Pull Request #1, and in the blog post we wrote when we open-sourced it.
- State: production
- Staging: | Heroku
- Production: | Heroku
- GitHub:
- Deployment: PR from master into release (link)
- Point People: @anandaroop
Fork the project to your GitHub account
Clone your fork:
$ git clone
Read and run setup script:
$ cat bin/setup $ bin/setup
There are two levels of testing on this project: those at the Ruby level and those at the Javascript level. Same goes for linting. That means to run everything individually you would do:
$ bundle exec rubocop
$ bundle exec rspec
$ yarn run lint
$ yarn run test
Note: the default rake task (e.g. bundle exec rake
) is setup to run all
linting and tests.
In order to improve our confidence that the Ruby and Javascript parts of this project work together, we've added acceptance tests that run in Chrome.
They will be run as part of the default RSpec run. Or you can invoke them directly with:
$ bundle exec rspec spec/system
In order to view the specs running in a real browser, you can change the
config to :selenium_chrome
in spec/rails_helper.rb
In order to facilitate development and documentation of UI components, we've added Storybook to this project.
$ yarn run storybook
Storybook can only show accurate styling if it can load the Rails
stylesheet. For this reason we require you to have the Rails
server running first.
Foreman is used to manage the server configuration, so starting a server is as
easy as foreman start
, but you might want to use the development version
in instead. is configured to run Webpack's dev server, for hot reloading of React components.
$ foreman start -f
See the Procfiles for more.
Rosalind uses Gravity to get detail about some models. See the gravity docs for the process.
Rosalind is named after Rosalind Franklin, the biophysicist whose pioneering work in X-ray crystallography led to the discovery of the double helix.