#pfs3Gamma Positronium fine structure measurement geometry test
Author: Mizukoshi Keita This source and macro including many sample code using Geant4 Lecture 2016 in Sendai. I would like to thank their first authers in Geant4 collaboration and KEK.
Macros bench/pfs.mac visualize and 22Na source
#. Edit library data Change 22Na life time in $G4ENSDFSTATEDATA/ENSDFSTATE.dat
original> 11 22 0 1.184957e+17 6 8.81866805e-27
#. build in build, run ./b.sh
#. run in bench ../bin/Application_Main (Qt, and so on - visualizer ON) in bench ../bin/Application_Main pfs.mac(batch mode)
-> Generated pfs.dat in /bench
#. Fill Tree in analysis, run filltree. this generate data.root in analysis.