for Japanese


Birthday: 1987/12/28 Japanese Ex-ProGammer, CS1.6 Asian champion 2012

I have philosophy on the following.

  • Work responsibly as a team instead of giving freedom
  • Constructive and logical discussions
  • Contribute to service growth and sales and get results.
  • SRE but commit to ServerSide code if necessary

Educational background

  • Graduated Hiroshima Shudou High School
  • Graduated Japan Electronics College: Computer Network department



2020/1/5 ~

Job description: Corporate Engineer

create terraform-provider for jamf

Checking flow for validity against invoices

  • Sending each SaaS billing email to the slack and responding to it
  • Also, as a criterion, it points to a slack pined for how much a pay-as-you-go or flat rate would be.

building an office network.


  • jamf proposal -> Introduction

security software installation and operation.

  • Introducing crowdstrike.

Job description: DRE

Lead of DRE work

  • There are many additional posts and I can not write much code. But the team is requesting the lead business
  • Mainly cross-sectional business, catching up on DRE related parts and proactively putting it into proposals and teams
  • Participate in constructive discussions to help teams progress
  • Review of code written by members + operation (fix bugs and etc...)

Manage gcp with terraform

  • Install gcp to terraform
  • GCP Project crete by terraform
  • Architecture around IAM, service account

Cue how to make an analysis base

  • Figure out existing code in a repository
  • DL-> ETL-> DW-> DM, architecture proposal using BigQuery and team building, kicked off

Job description: SRE

verification of terraform 0.12 -> 0.13

Design and build/operate infrastructure for a new business (Timey Delivery)

  • Creating an aws account
  • Create vpc
  • Transfer route 53 operations to each account
  • Creating RDS/ElastiCache
  • added support for service, cron and runtask in ECS(Fargate)
  • Creating a deploy mechanism (chatops via slack)
  • ACM Creation
  • Creating redash
  • peering, etc.
  • As for the front end, github actions can be used to deploy
  • The part of the GCP that needed to be done with GCP was done with terraform.

Building each LP site.

Team management

Add Dockerfile to in-house next.js boilerplate

  • because there was no Docker environment
  • Enabled to start with make command
$ make help
docker/dev/build       docker build
docker/dev/run         docker起動
docker/ecs/build       docker build
docker/ecs/run         docker起動

Memory leak support when running rails in a container

  • to be continued

SSO for each SaaS

  • aws
  • datadog
  • sentry

datadog operation from terraform + architecture dashboard/alert

  • Until now, manually set datadog, but now it with Terraform.
  • Also added dashboard / alert settings
  • As a result, it was possible to respond to a failure only when an alert was triggered

rails c command for Fargate architectrue

  • As a task of rails on fargate, there was a problem that rails c could not be hit because the host or container could not be ssh.
  • Also, since RDS only allows access from the basic private subnet, the only option is to allow access from a private instance.
  • Launch a cli tool for rails c in Golang, doing the following
    • Saml authentication such as saml2aws is required.
    • Post a session on EC2 with session manager
    • Decrypt the parameter store data and set it to environment variables
    • Get commitHash value associated with prod / stg tag from ECR
    • Set required arguments + launch docker with commitHash image

firelens on Fargate

  • before: Fargate-> cloudwatch-> firehose-> lambda-> datadog, s3
  • after: fargate-> firehose-> datadog, s3
  • so simple and cost-saving

Launch slack-deploy

jemalloc with Rails

  • Jemalloc support to secure memory while preventing memory fragmentation due to memory leak
  • Dockerfile modification

Rails on EC2 -> Fargate: staging, production

  • Launch ecs-deploy in-house Golang tool
    • ECS task definition generation and registration
    • ECS service update
    • Fargate, cron (cloudwatch + fargate), runtask can be executed
  • Encrypted information is stored in SSM parameter store
    • Launch Golang tool to manage parameter store
    • Https: //

Verification fargate, cron(cloudwatch + fargate), runtaskを検証 and create Each Tutorial

  • Verification because there was no knowledge whether it is able to apply to rails. and create tutorial

AWS re-architecture

  • AWS multi account Configuration (root, prod, stg, operation, sandbox ....)
  • Compatible with GSuite SSO. And create IAN module
    • RBAC Base
    • Assume role with root account
    • Each account has limited permissions
  • Recreate from VPC
  • terraform execute make command


2018/5 ~ 2020/1/4

Job description

Design and implement batch / cron execution platform to run on AWS Fargate

Design and implement AWS ECS/Fargate platform

slack chatops deploy introduction

  • Go + supervisor

Implement In-house fm server platform (in-house radio)

  • hugo(Fargate) + s3(audito/video files)

Implement landing page site

  • s3 hosting + cloudfront + waf
  • Since deploy tool was typescript, I threw PR around IAM authentication system.






2017/7 ~ 2018/3

Job description

  • Rewrite the impression measurement platform to PHP-> Go and Migrate to CentOS7
  • Docker the batch processing used in the log collection infrastructure and migrate to on-pre-> ECS




terraform/aws/on-premiss/keepalived/puppet ldap/cobbler/consul/apache/nginx/influxDB/grafana


2016/4 ~ 2017/2

Job description

-aws operation construction to support the traffic of pairs




terraform/aws/gcp ansible/mackerel/Docker/nginx/bigquery/MySQL


2012/7 ~ 2016/3

Job description

  • Develop a mobile site API for career change site with Rails
  • Infrastructure and network to support all of the company's media with Livesense
  • Build and provide in-house development environment with openstack




keepalived, nginx, openstack, cisco, vyos, drbd, ldap nfs, kvm, mackerel, nagios, munin, chef, ansible, packer, vagrant


2008/4 ~ 2012/6

Job description

  • Rental server of data center, network construction operation
  • Hardware kitting, testing


Cisco, Juniper, server, kitting, ioDrive, Linux