
Simple Twitter Demo App.


  1. The user can view Home Timeline, User Timeline, His Favourites and search any other user.
  2. He can post a tweet, delete his own tweet, like or dislike any tweet.
  3. He can check out his own Profile, which shows his followers and following count and list.
  4. He can also Unfollow them .
  5. See his direct messages.
  6. Send any direct message.
  7. Delete any Direct message.
  8. Explore the Help.
  9. Check the Suggestion List according to Slags Of Interest.
  10. Click on the his Followers/Followings and Check out their Profile.
  11. Trending In your Location
  12. Follow anyone from suggestion list.
  13. Finally Logout.

Developer setup


The app uses API to get movie information and posters. You must provide your own API key in order to build the app.

Just put your Consumer key and Consumer Secret Key into ~/.gradle/ file (create the file if it does not exist already):

CONSUMER_KEY ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
CONSUMER_SECRET ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"


  • Splash-Activity

  • Log-in-Activity

  • Home-TimeLine

  • My-Tweets

  • Favourites

  • Search 'In your Language'

  • Navigation Drawer Preview

  • Profile Detail

  • Messages

  • Trending 'In Your Location'

  • Trending-Tweet

  • Suggestion-List

  • Suggested Users in Expandable List View

  • Make-Tweet

  • Delete Tweet

  • Web-View, Tweet onClick

  • Unfollow, Long Click on Followers List

  • Make Messages

*Delete Messages

  • Logout

  • Double Press Exit