
NOTE Testing instructions are at the bottom of the Readme.

This repository contains the backend code for COMP333 Homework 3 (Wesleyan University). The code for the frontend is in the comp-333-3-frontend owned by @ananafrida.

The project/homework will be complete by Friday 10am. We plan to utilize 2 of our 5 late days for this submission.


As stated before the given repository contains code for the backend. The project structure is as follows:

  • Controller
    • Api
      • BaseController.php
      • MusicController.php
      • UserController.php
  • inc
    • bootstrap.php
    • config.php
  • Model
    • Database.php
    • MusicModel.php
    • UserModel.php
  • index.php

The project follows the MVC design pattern, as is evident by the project structure above. There are two different controllers and two different models- one for ratings table and one for user table. The database structure will be explained more in the section below.

Development Enviornment

To run the app locally, you need to have XAMPP downloaded and start the servers. Note there may be a couple of places where you may have to make changes in the code. We have hardcoded the user directory because for some reason the __DIR__ was giving errors. Namely you may have to change directory according to your system in 7 different places:

  1. index.php, line 5
  2. bootstrap.php, line 3
  3. bootstrap.php, line 5
  4. Database.php, line 3
  5. Database.php, line 15
  6. MusicModel.php, line 3
  7. UserModel.php, line 3

You also have to have the rating and user tables under music_db database in your phpmyadmin locally as follows:

Ratings Table Structure:


Users Table Structure:


Once everything is setup, you should be able to test the endpoints listed below using Postman.

API Endpoints

Note because of _SESSION_ID, you need to login or register before using the music API's.

User Endpoints

  • /user/login
    • Type: POST
    • Parameters: {username: string, password: string}
    • Response: {success: bool, message: string, username (if success): string}
  • /user/register
    • Type: POST
    • Parameters: {username: string, password: string, confirm_password: string}
    • Response: {success: bool, message: string, username (if success): string}
  • /user/logout
    • Type: POST
    • Parameters: {}
    • Response: {success: bool}

Music Endpoints

  • /music/list
    • Type: GET
    • Parameters: Not Applicable
    • Response: {[{id: int, artist: string, song: string, username: string, rating: int},...]}
  • /music/create
    • Type: POST
    • Parameters:{artist: string, song: string, rating: string}
    • Response: {artist: string, song: string, rating: int}
  • /music/read
    • Type: GET
    • Parameters: Not applicable
    • Response: {id: int, artist: string, song: string, username: string, rating: int}
  • /music/update
    • Type: POST
    • Parameters: {id: int, artist: string, song: string, rating: string}
    • Response: {success: bool}
  • /music/delete
    • Type: POST
    • Parameters: {id: int}
    • Response: {success: bool}


For testing this backend API, we used PHPUnitTest as per the homework 5 requirements. Before you run the test, please at make sure your database meets the given requirements. This are essential for some of the tests.:

  1. In the users table add the following user:
  "username": "test1",
  "password": "1234567890",

Please Create the user using the register endpoint to make sure that the password is hashed and salted before being saved in the database. If entered manually it will lead to failing tests. (The comment in bold was added after the homework deadline for clarification. No changes to code are made.) 2. Do not have a user in the users table with the username test2. We will use this username to test registration.
3. Have the following songs in the ratings table of the database

  "id" : 55,
  "username" : "test1"
  "artist" : "artist_1",
  "song" : "song_1",
  "rating" : "1",

  "id" : 56,
  "username" : "test1"
  "artist" : "artist_2",
  "song" : "song_2",
  "rating" : "2",
  1. Do not have a song with the following info { 'artist' : 'test_artist_4', 'song' : 'test_song_4', 'rating' : '4',}. We will create this in the test.

That's it! Now run the commands:

composer install
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests

in the root directory and the test should run. Note that you should have the composer in path for this command to work.

NOTE: All of my functions send a 200 OK request whenever a request is successful. Thus, I won't be checking for 201 but for 200. Also we didn't have a list users function in our backend, because it is not appropriate for the application. Instead we have a list function for music which I test instead.


This project was built by @n-aggarwal and @ananafrida. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.