
Providing a simple method of constructing a struct using struct tags and mapping them to runtime environmental variables

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Providing a simple method of constructing a struct using struct tags and mapping them to runtime environmental variables

goconfig package uses the struct tag env to define the struct. For string slices you can define the separator with the tag sep

Example Struct

var Config struct {
Address         string   `env:"LISTEN_ADDRESS"`
Port            int      `env:"PORT"`
AllowedUsername []string `env:"ALLOWED_USERSNAMES"`
BootstapAdmins  []string `env:"BOOTSTRAP_ADMINS" sep:"||"`

PrivateRepo string `env:"PRIVATE_REPO"`
GoProxy     string `env:"GO_PROXY"`

ServerCertificatePath    string `env:"SERVER_CERTIFICATE_PATH"`
ServerCertificateKeyPath string `env:"SERVER_CERTIFICATE_KEY_PATH"`
ServerClientCABundlePath string `env:"SERVER_CLIENT_CA_BUNDLE_PATH"`

InsecureSkipVerify bool `env:"INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY"`

Run env.Load inside an init function to preload environment variables to your Confg Struct from above

func init() {
if err := goconfig.Load(&Config); err != nil {

if Config.Port <= 0 {
Config.Port = 5050
//Set up defaults....