saUCE Factory

Scripts and tools to automate saUCE cooking.


  • First clone the repo
    git clone
    cd sauce_factory
  • Set ROM and core directories by setting the following env variable (assuming Bash):
    export ROMDIR=/my/rom/directory
    export COREDIR=/my/core/directory
  • Build
    • To build all sauces, type
      This will turn each recipe in the recipes folder into a sauce in the out folder. The Makefile will only process a recipe if the corresponding sauce does not exist, or the recipe has recently been updated.
    • To build a single sauce, type
      make out/Sauce_Name.uce
      make out/AddOn_Air_Rescue.uce

Notes on pre-generated save partition

  • Some recipes include a file. This is a pre-generated save partition, which can contain core options overrides, custom control mappings, and save states of the game.
  • To generate such a file yourself, or to simply view the content of this file, refer to the following steps:
    • Generate an ext4 partition file with necessary folder structures
      truncate -s 4M save.bin
      mkfs.ext4 save.bin
      debugfs -R 'mkdir upper' -w save.bin
      debugfs -R 'mkdir work' -w save.bin
      This creates a 4MB file save.bin that has an ext4 partition in it. Alternatively, you can also get such a file by stripping the last 4MB from an existing UCE:
      tail -c 4M existing.uce > save.bin
    • Once the save.bin file is ready, we need to mount it to a directory to access its content:
      # First create the mount point directory
      mkdir mnt
      # Mount it
      sudo mount -o loop save.bin mnt
      Note that the mount command needs sudo access. So make sure your user account is in the sudoers group.
    • Once "mounted", the content of save.bin can be accessed from the mnt folder. There you can add/remove/edit files of interest, which may include the following:
      • retroplayer.ini: This can be used to override many core options, and frontend video / control settings
      • cfg folder: This has custom control mappings made in the MAME menu
      • hi and nvram: May contain hi-scores
      • Game save files and their screenshots
    • Once done editting the mnt folder, go out of the folder and do
      sudo umount /path/to/mnt
      This unmounts the save.bin file and flushes all changes to the file.
    • Finally, zip the save.bin file as and place it inside the recipe folder. The build script will unzip it and put it into the UCE.