
Primary LanguageR


Lifecycle: experimental CRAN status R-CMD-check test-coverage


IWMM is an R package for adaptive importance sampling. The package implements the importance weighted moment matching (IWMM) algorithm. Given draws from a probability distribution, IWMM adapts the draws based on a given target distribution and an optional expectation function. The draws can, but do not have to be from the distribution over which the expectation is defined.

The method is described in detail in the Implicitly Adaptive Importance Sampling paper.


You can install the the development version from GitHub with:



IWMM takes a sample of draws, and functions that define the proposal and target distributions, as well as an optional expectation function. Without an expectation function, the draws are adapted to match the proposal distribution. If an expectation function is given, the expectation is computed after adapting the draws specifically for this expectation.

IWMM can also work with models fitted with rstan or cmdstanr where the fitted model posterior is treated as the proposal distribution.


Consider a simple univariate normal model (available via example_iwmm_model("normal_model")):

data {
int<lower=0> N;
vector[N] x;
parameters {
  real mu;
  real log_sigma;
transformed parameters {
  real<lower=0> sigma = exp(log_sigma);
model {
  target += normal_lpdf(x | mu, sigma);

We first fit the model using Stan:


normal_model <- example_iwmm_model("normal_model")

fit <- rstan::stan(
  model_code = normal_model$model_code,
  data = normal_model$data,
  refresh = FALSE,
  seed = 1234

After fitting the model, let us define an expectation function that we are interested in, and compute the expectation:

expectation_fun_first_moment <- function(draws, ...) {

first_moment <- moment_match(
  expectation_fun = expectation_fun_first_moment

We can check that the expectation matches the posterior mean

#> [1] 4.002850 2.000641
colMeans(as.matrix(fit))[c("mu", "log_sigma")]
#>        mu log_sigma 
#>  4.002850  2.000641

The package can also compute expectations over distributions that are different than the one where the draws are from. Let us try to evaluate the posterior mean when the last observation is removed. We achieve this by defining a target_observation_weights which we can use to indicate the target distribution as a vector of weights for each observation in the data used to fit the model. A vector of ones means using the existing data. A zero value for some observation means that the target distribution is the posterior without that specific observation.

first_moment_loo <- moment_match(
  target_observation_weights=append(rep(1,9), 0),
  expectation_fun = expectation_fun_first_moment

Let us compare this to the posterior mean we get by actually fitting the model again without the last observation.

loo_data <- normal_model$data
loo_data$x <- loo_data$x[-loo_data$N]
loo_data$N <- loo_data$N - 1

fit_loo <- rstan::stan(
  model_code = normal_model$model_code,
  data = loo_data,
  refresh = FALSE,
  seed = 1234
#> [1]  1.8939496 -0.1475459
colMeans(as.matrix(fit_loo))[c("mu", "log_sigma")]
#>        mu log_sigma 
#>  1.895802 -0.151749


Paananen, T., Piironen, J., Bürkner, P.-C., and Vehtari, A. Implicitly Adaptive Importance Sampling. Stat Comput 31, 16 (2021). (paper)(code)