
Implementation of Nested Depth First-Search Algorithm using multicore programming

Primary LanguageJava

README file for the 2019-2020 Concurrency and Multi-threading assignment

File structure

    script to start the application.
    script to start the application for windows.
    script to run ant.
    ant script.
    javadoc for the graph package.
    directory where you should put the PDF of your report.
    various input files to run the application with.
    jar files needed for the application.
    this file.
    The source code for this project.
    There are also two example directories demonstrating the use of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService,
    and java.lang.Thread.

File structure source code
	The Main class that drives the application. 
	The package for the sequential nndfs version.
	The package for the naive multi-core version. Initially, this is a copy
	of the ndfs/nndfs package.

Building the application

Run ant from the root directory (ndfs)
$ ant

Generating the Java documentation for the application

Run ant from the root directory (ndfs)
$ ant javadoc

Running the application

From the root directory run 
$ bin/ndfs.sh

This will give the usage. An example of a correct run of the application is:
$ bin/ndfs.sh input/accept-cycle.prom seq 1
The first argument is the input file, the second argument indicates the version to use, the third
argument is the number of worker threads.

Reading the documentation of the program

Open javadoc/index.html in a browser (after generating the javadoc, see above).

Reading the documentation of the graph package

Open doc/index.html in a browser.

Programming the mcndfs_1_naive version

Your first programming task is to create a multi-core NDFS version that uses
a naive approach to solve the concurrency problems. A naive approach might
for instance use global locks to protect data that is shared between threads.
Initially, the package ndfs.mcndfs_1_naive contains the same code as the
package ndfs.nndfs. Modify the source to create the multi-core version and add
the version to the driver.Main.dispatch() method if needed. If you adhere to
the convention of the NDFSFactory.createMCNDFS() method, the current dispatch()
method is fine.

Programming other multi-core versions

You then continue and create an optimized multicore version in the
same manner. Please add a package mcndfs_2_<your_version_name_here>
and add it to ndfs.NDFSFactory and the driver.Main.dispatch() methods (again, if needed).


When doing timing runs, please make sure that you use a separate run for
each version, because otherwise timing information may become less reliable,
as the Java runtime system may cause unexpected overhead.