
My personal setting for VIM


My personal settings for VIM.


This setup includes (for now) a custom .vimrc.after file, and my .fonts directory. This will only work as expected with Janus and Airline installed.


  • Install janus
  • Clone this repo
  • If ~/.vimrc.after exists replace it with the one from here, otherwise copy it to your home directory
  • Copy the contents of my .fonts directory into ~/.fonts and run fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts/
  • Clone powerline into ~.janus (if the .janus/ directory does not exist, create it).
  • Open gvim and make sure that all the icons are correct and the plugins are installed
  • Enjoy!!


This vim setup includes Janus and all of its default plugins, Airline which is a beautiful vim status line, and my own custom made .vimrc.after which includes the following customizations:

  • Sets airline for gvim
  • All tabs are now 4 spaces.
  • Shows you any trailing whitespace and tab characters
  • (Default off) sets linewrap at 72
  • (Default off) removes any trailing whitespace when saving the file.