
a fork from EpicTreasure

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A reusable and dynamic container environment for binary analysis / general CTF shenanigans. I intend to build a robust cli around the container to help with dependency management / general ease of use.


docker pull n0ja/xlab:latest


If you want to run the go cli

go get github.com/n0ja/xlab
cd {GODIR}/src/github.com/n0ja/xlab && go install

Depending on your GOBIN / os setup you may need to make an alias to point to the output binary
Options are -t "terminal emulator", -n "container name", -v "image version", -c "commit"


Please use & when mounting to run in detach!

All default params (t="urxvt", n="xlab", v="latest", c="")

xlab &

starts the default xlab container


xlab -t xterm &

opens xlab in an xterm window


xlab -n test &

starts an xlab container named test


xlab -c test -v test

commits the xlab container named test to tag n0ja/xlab:test


xlab -v test

starts an xlab container based on the image tagged n0ja/xlab:test


cd ~/workingDir
touch example.txt
xlab -n example &

Opens a tty in an xlab container named example

pwd -> /root/mount
ls -> example.txt
apt-get update

Update w/ apt-get

xlab -c example

Commits the xlab container named example to n0ja/xlab:latest


This is an early build forked from EpicTreasure and the Dockerfile will be modified heavily.
As such, I garuntee no compatibility for current toolsets / environments until a stable release. The removal of this disclaimer will signify stability so please refer back here when updating as I will not be versioning the image on docker hub until I have solidified my plans.