Bowtie Developer Assessment - React Todo Project

How to Use

To use this application, clone down both repositories to your local machine. Run commands npm i and npm start in the back end repo, then do the same for the front end.

Backend repo


  • I've only built a few APIs and it's been awhile since the last one, so it felt good to build a working one in TypeScript in basically a day.
  • Used node's FS-promises module to simulate an async JSON-based data store without having to deploy a backend.
  • Used the opportunity to get practice with a UI library I've wanted to try for awhile.

Challenges + Improvements

  • Past week-plus has been pretty brutal on a few fronts and I would've liked to have been able to spread my time out a bit in working on this, rather than cramming into a couple nights.
  • Not much in the way of error-handling on either end, which was a casualty of the time window - would've liked to get to differentiating status codes, etc.
  • Tried to deploy the FE but ran into CORS errors, and couldn't solve by proxying the URL or passing options to cors().
  • Usually would've written at least an endpoints guide for the backend repo.


  • Build a simple todo app with React + TypeScript frontend.
  • You should have some form of data management and persistence
  • Encouraged to build a custom backend/database/api to interact with from React.


  • A user can create/edit/delete a list of projects within the app
  • A user can create/edit/delete todo items within a given project
    • (edit counts for toggling todo as “completed”)


  • The assessment will be submitted as GitHub repositories.
  • One repo for the React + TypeScript frontend
  • Any additional repos for api/backend code, etc

Bonus Points

The API...
The UI…
  • Connect UI actions with API (to create/edit/delete projects and/or todo items)