
XSS Filter to properly clean your request data from XSS related attacks.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


XSS Filter to properly clean your request data from XSS related attacks.


Use composer to get this guy up and running

composer require n0nag0n/fatfree-xss-filter


Pretty simple to use really

// public/index.php for example. Wherever your framework entrypoint is.

use n0nag0n\Xss_Filter;

$f3 = Base::instance();

// Filter the POST globals on the hive of a FatFree object
$post = Xss_Filter::filter('POST');

// define routes, services, etc.


// Additionally, filter whatever you'd like in controllers and such.
// $input_from_form = Xss_Filter::filterScalar($input_from_form_raw);


Originally created by @dabcorp and put on github with permission.