
Launches a limited shell using PowerShell Runspaces with an optional AMSI Bypass. Does not invoke Powershell.exe

Primary LanguageC#


This is a simple implementation of PowerShell Runspaces that will allow you to run basic PowerShell commands and scripts without invoking Powershell.exe. It also includes an optional AMSI bypass that uses the AmsiOpenSession patch. The AMSI patch is optional, and can be turned off by commenting out Line 1: #define AMSI in Program.cs.

Since this is a limited shell, no cd is supported. Please read the Usage section for guidelines on how to import modules



*Note: The error in the screenshot above is related to Get-DomainUser being called in a non-domain joined environment

In order to use functions imported with import-module, use the following syntax

  • import-module <path-to-module>; <targetfunction> (ie. import-module PowerView.psm1; Find-ForeignUser )


This script accepts and processes input in a loop to simulate a shell. It is a limited shell so you can't cd into specific directories, but it should be able to process input and scripts. I implemented a minimal custom PSHost implementation to handle output from scripts. Due to its limited capabilities, using functions loaded from import-module requires you to execute import-module <path-to-module> in the same line as your target function (ex. import-module PowerView.psm1; Find-ForeignUser)

AMSI Patch

There are many ways to patch AMSI, but this patch aims to be minimal and effective. It starts with loading the AmsiOpenSession function, and replacing the first instance of JZ with a JNZ instruction in order to force the program flow into an error branch, and return the error code 0x80070057.

Since AmsiOpenSession is one of the earlier functions called when amsi.dll is loaded, the patch will break the execution flow before getting to the later functions that determine whether your PowerShell code is malicious or not.

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