
Registration/authentication ready-to-use library for Go

Primary LanguageGo

Authless - easy setup user authentication lib

This library provide user login/registration feature based on cookie JWT token with multiple storage support.

  • Registration
  • Login
  • JWT token via cookie
  • XSRF protection
  • Out of the box HTML templates read to use
  • Or use it only as a backend with your own frontend
  • Confirmation token
  • Multiple router supports (Gin, standard, etc.)
  • Multiple storage supports (Mysql, Postgres, config, "create your own", ...)

Fast start

With Gin (Routers):

func main() {
	configPath := "./default.yml"
	auth, err := authless.NewGinAuth(configPath)
	if err != nil {
	auth.SetTokenSender(func(email, token string) error {
		fmt.Println("TOKEN SEND", token)
		return nil

	router := gin.Default()

	router.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(200, "pong")

	router.Handle("GET", "/private", auth.AuthRequired(func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(200, "private")

	router.GET("/public", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(200, "public")
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))


You can create config object in code:

config := &authless.Config{
    Host:               "example.com", // this will used for activation/forget-password links
    Secret:             "d123",
    DisableXSRF:        true,
    TokenDuration:      time.Minute,
    CookieDuration:     time.Minute,
    Storage:            storage.Config{
        Type:            "mysql",   // mysql, const (setup by config), postgres, inmemory
        Host:            "localhost",
        Port:            3306,
        Username:        "user",
        Password:        "pass",
        Dbname:          "myusers",
    Type:               authless.AuthTypeTemplate, // 'template' or 'api'
    LogLevel:           "debug", // debug, info, warning, error
    TemplatePath:       "", // path to template folder
    Validator:          nil,

or parse it from yaml:

path := "./default.yml"
conf, err := authless.ReadConfig(path)

Caveat: yaml parser property names are case-insensitive

HTML templates

There are ready to use html login/registration forms. To use it copy template folder to your project root.




We recommend to use Gin as main router. To create new auth:

auth, err := authless.NewGorillaAuth(conf)

To add service routes:

router := gin.Default()

If you need to restrict unauthorized access to route wrap handler with AuthRequired:

router.Handle("GET", "/private", auth.AuthRequired(func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.String(200, "private")

Don't forget to setup password change and password forget:

auth.SetActivationTokenSenderFunc(func(email, token string) error {
    fmt.Println("TOKEN SEND", token)
    return nil
auth.SetChangePasswordRequestFunc(func(email, token string) error {
    fmt.Println("TOKEN SEND", token)
    return nil

Gorilla mux

Adapter for Gorilla router Use it in the same way as Gin, except creating:

auth, err := authless.NewGorillaAuth(conf)

API Routes


Call GET /auth/login?email=test@example.com&passwd=xyz or send POST form

    "email": "test@example.com",
    "password": "xyz"


Call GET /auth/logout to remove cookie and blacklist token (see todo)


Send POST form /auth/register

    "email": "test@example.com",
    "password": "xyz"

to create new user. Created user is not active and unable to login.

Send activation token

Use ActivateAccountFunc = func(email, url, token string) error to send token during registration


auth, _ := authless.NewGinAuth(configPath)
client := NewMailerClient(somekey)
auth.SetActivationTokenSenderFunc(func(email, activateUrl, token string) error {
    //make user go to activateUrl to activate accoung
    return client.SendEmail(email, token)


Call GET /auth/activate?token=mytoken to activate account to able account to login

Forget password

To send change password send POST form to /auth/forget-password:

    "email": "test@example.com",

This will generate new token and execute ChangePasswordRequestFunc

Send change password token


type ChangePasswordRequestFunc = func(email, token string) error


auth, _ := authless.NewGinAuth(configPath)
client := NewMailerClient(somekey)
auth.SetChangePasswordRequestFunc(func(email, url, token string) error {
    return client.SendChangePassword

Change password

To change password send POST form to /auth/change-password

    "email": "test@example.com",
    "token": "TOKEN", //TOKEN sent by ChangePasswordRequestFunc
    "password": "newpassword",

HTML Routes

To override page:

  • create your own html page
  • insert Vars into your template. Under Var message or error text will be displayed
  • rename html and put under Template path
  • template will be available under Path

List of available routes:


Path: /login
Template path: template/login_form.html
Vars: {{.error}}


Path: /logout
Template path: -

Registration form

Path: /register
Template path: template/registration_form.html
Vars: {{.error}}

Registration success page

Path: /register/result
Template path: template/registration_form.html
Vars: {{.message}}

Activate result

Path: /activate/result
Template: template/activation_result.html
Vars: {{.error}} {{.message}}

Forget password form

Description: display form for password remind Path: /forget-password
Template: template/forget_password_form.html
Vars: {{.error}}

Forget password result page

Description: page to show after successfully remind password submission
Path: /forget-password/result
Template: template/forget_password_result.html
Vars: {{.error}} {{.message}}

Change password form

Description: display change password form
Path: /change-password
Template: template/change_password_form.html
Vars: {{.error}}

Change password result page

Description: page to show after successfully change password submission Path: /change-password/result
Template: template/change_password_result.html
Vars: {{.error}} {{.message}}


  • Add tests
  • Add gorilla http router
  • Add default http router
  • Forget password mux
  • Forget password gorilla
  • Get rid of /r/
  • Add global auth.GetUser method
  • Fully get rid of authz package
  • Load default html template
  • Validate html present
  • Finish README
  • Add postgres
  • Validate config
  • Pass full url to forget pass/validate acc functions
  • Blacklist of expired tokens (after logout token invalid)
  • Get rid of error message in query ?error=bad request
  • Routes as const
  • Min config to start: storage only
  • Check successurl
  • Add "Activate password" callback
  • Audit log