
n11-talenthub-bootcamp-graduation-project-Kaan010 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This app takes customer information and gives opportunity to apply credit application. The applications result calculated by given algorithm and result is sent via SMS to customers phone number.

Ekran Resmi 2022-01-31 02 43 13

Tech Stack

  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Kotlin 1.5.0
  • Flyway
  • PostgreSQL (for real DB)
  • H2 Database (for test DB)
  • JUnit 5
  • Twilio API (to send SMS)


  • OpenAPI documentation
  • Exception Handling
  • Validation
  • Unit Tests of Service and Integration Tests (for important bussiness logics)


Create Customer

POST /v1/customer 
Host: localhost:8080

    "identityNumber": 18800000010,
    "name": "Kaan",
    "surName": "Kalan",
    "salary": "9000",
    "telephone": "+905430000000",
    "birthDate": "1996-02-10",
    "assurance": 1000

Get Customer By IdentityNumber

GET /v1/customer/filter/18800000010 
Host: localhost:8080

Update Customer By IdentityNumber

PUT /v1/customer/18800000010
Host: localhost:8080

    "identityNumber": 18800000010,
    "name": "Kaan",
    "surName": "Kalan",
    "salary": "7000",
    "telephone": "+05430000000",
    "birthDate": "1996-02-10",
    "assurance": 1500

Delete Customer By IdentityNumber

DELETE /v1/customer/18800000010
Host: localhost:8080

Apply Credit with Customer IdentityNumber

POST /v1/credit/apply/18800000010
Host: localhost:8080

Get Credit Applications By Customer IdentityNumber and Birthday

GET /v1/credit/customer
Host: localhost:8080
            "customerIdentityNumber": 18800000501,
            "customerBirthDate": "1996-02-10"

Sample SMS

Ekran Resmi 2022-01-31 02 43 13

Swagger UI will be run on this url
