
Repo for Multiplatform Mobile App Development with React Native Course on Coursera

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Repo for Multiplatform Mobile App Development with React Native Course on Coursera It is Restaurant App. It is made using react-native-elements (a component library for React Native) & react-navigation 4 & Redux. It is also connected to a backend which is made using Node, Express, Passport & MongoDb. You can see it on Backend Github Link

To run the app clone the repo. Then go to terminal and type yarn, it will install all the npm packages need to run this app. Then type yarn start it will open expo developer tool in browser. From there you can run it to android emulator if you have android studio or android sdk & plateform tools. If your laptop and phone are connected to same network you can open it to your phone by downloading Expo Go app and scanning the QR code displayed on expo developer tool.

You can also test this if you don't want to run it on your own system. Just copy this exp://exp.host/@niceakhtar21/confusion to your device and go to Expo Go App and then you can see the open from clipboard option, click on that and it will open or You can open this link Confusion Expo Link in the browser and open the app in Expo Go by: i] scannig the QR code ii] copying the link to your device iii] clicking on open in Expo Go button

This app is build on Expo SDK 38 so if you don't have Expo Go which supports SDK 38 or no Expo Go at all, no worries you can download the apk from here Confusion Drive Link and install it in your phone. Just ignore the warnings when you are installing.