
First, you'll need to install the pyglet library so that python3 can use it.

In a shell, please run the following command. It does not matter what directory you are in.

pip3 install pyglet

pip3 is a program that comes with python3 and it can download and install free python libraries from the Internet.

On your computer, the program might be called pip instead of pip3. If pip3 install pyglet gives you an error, try pip install pyglet.

The game

To run the game, use the following command:



  • Move the score text so it's not in the way ;)
  • Change how fast our player can move
  • Reduce the chance the monster will change direction to 20%
  • Replace the monster's image with the goblin.png
  • Play a different sound when you catch a monster



  • When the hero catches a monster, increase the score by 10
  • When the score reaches 100, call the game_over() function
    • When the game is over, display a "You won" message and play the "win" sound effect
  • Change the score label either using a different font or by using HTML:
  • Download some (free!) graphics from and replace the hero and monster. (Cats, maybe??)


  • add a goblin to the game

    • use the goblin.png image in the resources folder
    • The goblin should try to catch the hero
      • If the goblin touches the hero, it takes one life
      • If the hero loses 3 lives, the game is over
        • Stop playing the music and play the 'lose' sound
    • Add a "lives" text display next to the score.
  • Add a magical item at random to the screen:

    • Each magical item enhances our hero's abilities (or bestows new ones)
    • The 'bullet' increases the hero's speed temporarily
    • The 'flame' allows the hero to shoot goblins (thus taking them off screen)


  • As the player's score increases, add more goblins

  • Add an 'stone' the screen for saving the state of the game, including the score, number of lives, magical abilities, and position of each character on the screen.

    • It should only appear temporarily.
    • If the player loses all their lives, ask if they want to load their saved game.
      • Optionally, delete the saved game info so the player can only use a saved game once.