Copy Calico

Now that we have become masters of Copy Kitten, let's become masters of Copy Calico. I think we are ready to get to the Big Leagues and show our skills!


Below you will find a list of the websites that you have been requested to copy by Copy Calico. Don't worry, you don't have to copy all of them; you only have to choose one and work with that one. ONLY ONE! (Unless you REALLY want to challenge yourself!)

Basic Setup

Start a whole new repo, call it what you want, make HTML and CSS files, and get going!

Do NOT forget to add a link tag from your HTML to your CSS. Ask a friendly neighbor, teacher, or search box if you're not too solid on how to do that yet!

List Of The Websites To Choose From:

Remember our project rules, make sure you create a repo on GitHub before you start working on the Copy Calico project on your local machine. Always commit with a clear message and often.


  • You do NOT have to cover the whole page, just the "above the fold" section. That is, you don't have to do anything you'd have to scroll down to see! Start at the top and work your way down, and if you only get halfway down the page, that's acceptable. The farther you go, the more you'll learn!
  • You don't have to do any fancy fonts or animations or videos. Feel free ot screenshot any videos so you can just use the still image. And save or screenshot any actual images, of course
  • You CAN use your browser's Developer Tools, and we recommend you do! Every browser has them. (Though Safari's isn't as good, so... probably use something else?)
  • While your Dev Tools will actually show you the HTML and CSS you could steal, for your own learning, take several stabs at implementing their layout before you dive in and see how they did it.

Stretch Goal

If you finished copying that website, challenge yourself and copy another one. It will supply you with a whole other set of challenges!
