
Return Statements

Return Statements are the values that are provided after a function has been executed. A value is returned if successful and if not, then undefined is returned.

If Statements

If statements are utilized for executing actions based on conditional statements. You can run If, Else If, or Else statements. The If part of the statement is for executing a statement if the condition is true. The Else statement is if the other statements are not true. The Else If statement is for if the If statement doesn't meet the previous statement's conditions.

Boolean Statements

Booleans are binary. When booleans are used, the two values that can be returned are either True or False. No other value can be returned because it would come out as False if the condition is not met.


In programming, strings are text based values for a variable. They can include numbers but are not treated as such unless converted.


Quokka is a very useful extension in Visual Studio Code that is great at rapid prototyping. Once installed, it calculates and returns values without having to run the program itself from the start.