
Using OpenPose in a 3D animation pipeline. Based on the work of @CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab, @una-dinosauria, @ArashHosseini, and @keel-210.

Primary LanguageProcessing

SETUP for OPENPOSE and 3D-POSE-BASELINE on Ubuntu 16.04 / 180505

Note: OpenPose alone can record 3D coordinates with a multi-camera setup. However the 3d-pose-baseline method allows generating 3D coordinates for multiple subjects from a single camera.

  1. Clone OpenPose:

  2. Install CUDA, CUDNN, and OpenCV

sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencv
  1. Download models
  1. Install Caffe and build OpenPose
  1. Sample OpenPose shell scripts for Ubuntu and Windows.

  2. Clone 3D-pose-baseline (fork with OpenPose converter script):

  3. Install Python dependencies:

pip install h5py
pip install tensorflow
pip install imageio
pip install matplotlib
  1. Download models:

(Place in ./experiments/)

(Place in ./data/h36m/)

  1. Create a directory ./png for output.

  2. Run a sample shell script.