Simplify your Datatables server-side processing effortlessly using our lightning-fast PHP library, streamlining your workflow seamlessly.
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data as array are forbidden
#90 opened by xJuvi - 1
datatable: data with function, doesn't work sort
#88 opened by jlopes90 - 5
edit all columns
#96 opened by virtualgadjo - 3
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Support Mutiple schema with Postgresql
#107 opened by ahmaddzidan - 15
Mysql table with dashes in name causes error
#102 opened by 13ran - 2
Large Table Count
#101 opened by 13ran - 2
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weird error with the sorting of multiple columns
#98 opened by xJuvi - 2
Skip Total Records
#91 opened by elogistical - 2
- 5
MySQL error on special column names
#81 opened by sargac - 1
Export to Excel feature
#87 opened by zeshan91 - 0
PhalconAdapter not working
#86 opened by flancer-prosum - 0
Laravel adapter does not work with PostgreSQL
#85 opened by etopian - 0
addIndexColumn / DT_RowIndex
#82 opened by durango25 - 7
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update CI 3 example
#71 opened by Goddard - 0
CI 3 with hooks error
#72 opened by Goddard - 0
empty dataset
#74 opened by Goddard - 1
Conditional where clauses for PhalconAdapter
#80 opened by PollyCatZ - 1
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another eample
#73 opened by Goddard - 1
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Multiple value coloumn order
#78 opened by reidsneo - 1
Search and sorting not working in added columns kindly guide me i'm using your repo for 1st time
#66 opened by balamgit - 1
Need Column name return
#68 opened by fgc0109 - 1
extender export button
#69 opened by iam-subho - 0
adapter for eloquent
#70 opened by Goddard - 0
How to include in project without Composer
#76 opened by xkpx64 - 3
in laravel it doesn't work
#60 opened by kevinlinar - 1
reload trigger alert error
#67 opened by itsKnight847 - 4
Problem with "order by"
#61 opened by abbasgholia - 3
- 1
Return value of Ozdemir\Datatables\Column::value() must be of the type string, null returned
#64 opened by moudarir - 12
DataTables Editor ile uyumluluk
#62 opened by mertasan - 4
How to get working without composer
#58 opened by super-tomcat - 1
Orthogonal Data
#59 opened by glengemann - 0
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Column name on return
#56 opened by wallysonn - 0
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'rowcount'.
#55 opened by dranzers - 1
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Encoding arabic character issue
#53 opened by sorryjack - 3
Array access with invalid values return E_NOTICE since PHP 7.4 and may break queries
#51 opened by fdelapena - 5
PostgreSQL driver
#50 opened by juninhodeluca - 2
PSAdapter escape is missing single quote
#46 opened by stefanovita - 1
option for enabling CORS
#45 opened by piecesnbits - 12
Datatable File Displays Cache Header
#44 opened by OssamaRafique - 1
Error CodeigniterAdapter on tag 2.0.0
#43 opened by zahidmuhammadzaki - 1
fatal error: Uncaught TypeError
#42 opened by steinhaug