
Sharing a few procedures programmed in IGOR Pro to evaluate ARPES data obtained by a Scienta SES data acquisition program

Primary LanguageIGOR Pro


I'm sharing here a few procedures I programmed in IGOR Pro to evaluate ARPES data obtained by a Scienta SES data acquisition program

Just move the .ipf file of your desire to your IGOR Pro user procedures location to make it work.

See the wiki for additional explanations.

Explanation of the procedures


This procedure turns a Fermi Surface Map that is represented as a 3-dimensional wave (x = Binding Energy, y = tilt angle, z = polar angle) into a 2-dimensional Fermi Surface Map with the common representation of k_x wave vector over k_y wave vector (both in inverse Angstroms). The function you have to use is

degdeg2kk(inwvname, targetE, EF)

whereas inwvname is your 3-dimensional input wave, targetE is your target energy in units of E-E_f where you want your Fermi surface map to be cut (e.g. if you want to look at the Fermi surface 0.5 eV below the Fermi level, targetE should be -0.5 eV), EF is the Fermi Energy on the electrons kinetic energy scale (which is photon energy hv minus analyzer work function in electron volts).

The output wave / k_x,k_y-Fermi surface will appear in the same folder as your input wave and will be named as "kk". The free electron final state approximation is used in this procedure.


Say you scanned the electronic structure of a material for various angles against the analyzer slit - resulting in multiple scans represented by x = E_kinetic and y = polar angle, that are stacked along the z = tilt -increment axis. You have a 3-dimensional wave with (x = E_kin , y= polar angle, z = tilt angle). This procedure accepts just that as input and transforms it into a (x = E_B , y= k_x, z = k_y)-representation. Invoke it with

deg2kvec3d(inwvname, EF)

whereas inwvname is the 3d-input wave and EF is the kinetic energy value in electronvolts where the Fermi-energy is (which is photon energy hv minus analyzer work function in electron volts). The free electron final state approximation is used in this procedure to transform angles to k-vector.