student-facing content for the DA bootcamp

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Analytics Bootcamp - Berlin

Day 1

9:00 - 9:20 9:20 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:10 10:10-10:20 10:20 - 11:20 11:20 -11:30 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:45 12:45 - 12:55 13:05 - 14:20 14:20 - 18:00
Warm up Lecture Q&A Break Lecture Q&A Break Lecture Q&A Lunch Break Lab Work

Table of Contents

Week 7

Week 7 | Day 1 `s Learning Objectives:

  • Feature Selection
  • PCA
  • KNN
  • Bias and Variance Tradeoff
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
[Presentation] Feature Selection Logistic Regression Hypothesis Testing Decision Trees [Presentation] Weekly Recap


Handling Imbalanced Data sets [Lab] Hypothesis Testing Evaluating Classification Models [Weekly Retro]


[LAB] Logistic Regression, Imbalance Sets Cross Validation Ensemble Methods
[Presentation] Bias & Variance Ensemble Methods Hackathon*
[Notebook] Feature Selection

[Notebook] KNN

[Notebook] PCA

[Lab] Desision_trees
[LAB] Model_Comparision


Week 6

Week 6 | Day 5 `s Learning Objectives:

  • Weekly Recap
  • Projects Presentations

    Week 6 | Day 4 `s Learning Objectives:

    • Unsupervised Learning
    • K-means Algorithm
    • Saving/Loading Model using Pickle

      Week 6 | Day 3 `s Learning Objectives:

      • APIs.
      • Spotify API.
      • JSON format overview.
      • Restful APIs

        Week 6 | Day 2 `s Learning Objectives:

        • Web Scraping multiple pages.
        • Beautiful Soap
        • Project Prototypes
        • Python modules.

          Week 6 | Day 1 `s Learning Objectives:

          • Web Scraping
          • HTML, CSS
          • Beautiful Soap
          • Python modules.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
[Case Study]

Gnod Song Recommender

[Notebook] Web Scraping Multiple Pages Code Along [Presentation] APIs [Presentation] Clustering using K-means [Presentation] Weekly Recap

Web Scraping

[Code Along] Python Modules with VS Code [Presentation] Spotipy [LAB] Song Recommender Project [Weekly Retro]
[Activity] HTML

[Activity] CSS Selector

[LAB] Song Recommender Project [Notebook] APIs [Notebook] K-Means Code Along [LAB] Song Recommender Project
[Notebook] Web Scraping Code Along [Notebook] Spotipy [Presentation] K-Means with Scikit-Learn Presentations
[Presentation] Project Roadmap [LAB] Song Recommender Project
[LAB] Song Recommender Project
Week 5

Mid-Term Project

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Submitting project plans Work on the project Work on the project Work on the project Work on the project
Work on the project Presentations
Week 4

Week 4 | Day 5`s Learning Objectives:

  • Tableau Table Calculations
  • Tableau different data sources.
  • Chart Types
  • Storytelling with Data.

    Week 4 | Day 4 `s Learning Objectives:

    • Intro to Tableau GUI
    • Tableau Dimensions, Measures, Geo fields
    • Chart Types
    • Visualization practices.

      Week 4 | Day 3 `s Learning Objectives:

      • Linear regression review
      • Model Validation
      • Improve data Transformation
      • Intro to Tableau GUI

        Week 4 | Day 2 `s Learning Objectives:

        • One Hot/Label Encoding (categorical).
        • Linear regression
        • Model Validation

          Week 4 | Day 1 `s Learning Objectives:

          • Intro to Machine Learning
          • Probability
          • Sampling
          • Probability distributions
          • Data Transformation/Processing
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Intro to Machine Learning

[Presentation] Linear Regression [Presentation]

Improving Model Accuracy

[Presentation] Intro to Tableau Guest Speaker, CTO


[Activity] Modeling [LAB] Lab | Model Evaluation and Improving [Presentation] Data Visualisation [Presentation] Tableau


[LAB] Lab | Model Fitting and Evaluating [Activity] Tableau [Presentation] Storytelling with Data]

Probability Distributions

[LAB] Lab | Tableau [Activity] Tableau

Data Processing

Weekly Recap
[Activity] Distributions Midterm Project Intro/ Briefing
Weekly Retro Weekly Retro
[LAB] Lab | Data Transformation [LAB] Lab | Tableau
Week 3

Week 3 | Day 5 `s Learning Objectives:

  • Connect Python to Mysql
  • Data Cleaning using MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Data Warehouses

    Week 3 | Day 4 `s Learning Objectives:

    • DDL
    • Stored Procedures
    • Select Case Statement.

      Week 3 | Day 3 `s Learning Objectives:

      • ERD
      • Sub Queries
      • Temporary Tables/ Views

        Week 3 | Day 2 `s Learning Objectives:

        • ERD
        • Joins

          Week 3 | Day 1 `s Learning Objectives:

          • Relational Databases
          • SQL Queries.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Relational Databases


Joins & ERD

[Activity ERD] [Presentation]



Connect Python into MySQL

[LAB] Lab | SQL Intro [Lab] Lab | Sql Join two tables [Presentation]

SQL Sub Queries

[Presentation] Stored Procedures [Notebook]

Connect Python into MySQL

[LAB] Lab | SQL Queries [Lab] Lab | Sql Join multiple tables [Presentation]

Temporary Table/ Views

[Presentation] Select Case Statement [Activity] No-SQL Databases MongoDB
[Lab] Lab | SQL Sub Queries [Lab] DDL Weekly Recap
[Lab] Lab | Group By [Presentation]

Data Warehousing

[Lab] (Optional) (Additional) Lab | Stored Procedures [Activity] Lab | Python to Mysql
[Lab] Lab | SQL Data Cleaning
Week 2

Week 2 | Day 5 `s Learning Objectives:

  • Recap
  • Sampling
  • Practicing Group By
  • Kahoot*
  • Presentation skills

    Week 2 | Day 4 `s Learning Objectives:

    • Organizing data transformations into a pipeline.
    • Using Matplotlib and Seaborn
    • Plotting types
      • Scatter plots
      • Box plots
      • Bar plots
      • Histograms
    • Descriptive Statistics Measures

      Week 2 | Day3 `s Learning Objectives:

      • Dataframe filtering
      • apply functions on Data Frames
      • using map function
      • using Lambda functions
      • dealing with missing values
      • Working with Categorical variables
      • Concatenating
      • working with DateTime using Pandas
      • Grouping using Pandas
      • Correlation Matrix
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Weekly Retro [Code Along] Intro to Pandas [Presentation] Correlation of Numerical Features [Presentation] EDA with plotting [Presentation] Basic Statistical Concepts

Numpy Arrays

[Pandas Cheat Sheet] [Activity] Correlation Matrix [Notebook] EDA with plotting [Notebook] Basic Statistical Concepts
[Cheat Sheet] Numpy Arrays [Presentation] Pandas Joining, Grouping [Activity] Grouping, Cleaning using Pandas Health Care For All Case Study [Cheat Sheet] Matplotlib [Weekly Recap]
[Code Along] Numpy [Code Along] Pandas Joining, Grouping [Lab] Customer Analysis [Activity] Plotting [Weekly Retro]
[Healthcare For All Case Study] [Lab] Customer Analysis Case Study [Lab] EDA Kahoot*
[Lab] Healthcare for All Excel,Sheets [Lab Pandas Group By]
[Presentation] Intro to Pandas
[Lab] Numpy Arrays
Week 1
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
[Cheat Sheet] Mac Command

[Cheat Sheet] Windows Command Line

[Presentation] Conda [Presentation] Python Functions [Presentation] Intro to Data Analysis [Presentation] Python Map, Filter, Reduce
[Activity] Command Line [Cheat Sheet] Conda Cheat Sheet [Notebook] Python Functions [Presentation] Data Analysis Process [Notebook] Python Map, Filter, Reduce
[Presentation] Git Concepts [Presentation] Python Object Types [Presentation] Programming Tips [Extra] Data Analysis [Presentation] Python Lists Comprehension
[Presentation] Git Commands [Notebook] Python Object Types [Presentation] Programming Practices [Activity] Data Analysis [Notebook] Python Lists Comprehension
[Cheat Sheet] Git Cheat Sheet [Activity] Conda Environment [Extra] Programming Useful Resources [Presentation] Python, Error Handling [Lab] Lab | Python Lists Comprehension
[Extra] Git Extra Resources [Lab] Lab | Python Sets, Tuples, Dicts [Presentation] Python String Operations [Notebook] Python, Error Handling [Lab] Lab | Prework Review
[Presentation] Jupyter Notebooks [Notebook] Python String Operations [Lab] Lab | Python Error Handling
[Cheat sheet] Markdown Cheat Sheet [Lab] Lab | Python Strings
[Extra] Jupyter Notebook Extra Resources
[LAB] Lab | Git
[LAB] Lab | Jupyter Notebook
[LAB] (Optional) Lab | Bash