Paper Tiger =========== Scanning, text recognition and archiving of paper documents... with GUI clients but from the command line if necessary The Paper Tiger code has a liberal MIT license. It uses various other open-source programs. Functionality ============= Architecture/functionality: - scanning documents using sane into TIFF documents - OCR/text recognition using Tesseract - storage of documents as PDF file (image file+OCR text) e.g. on a Samba share - index of documents+notes+full text in Firebird database - server component written in FreePascal, so no X Windows required. - command line control on server - CGI REST server component - Viewer/scanner GUI written in Lazarus+FreePascal - Initial support for WIA/TWAIN on Windows to support scanning from desktop Further possible refinements: - support for other databases (sqlite, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server) - using image cleanup tools such as scantailor and unpaper - write .deb install pacakge for easy installation on Debian servers - batch import of images/pdfs Architecture and development principles - use other people's work if possible - the Unix way... - if possible, build using modules: e.g. allow use of multiple OCR engines etc - store OCR text in the PDF, and store the image tiff. This enables external tools to work with the PDFs, use the PDFs in other applications etc. - save all OCR text in database or file (e.g. a Lucene index) in order to allow fast search across all documents - this means synchronizing PDF text with the full text archive may be required - develop towards a single point of control: tigerservercore, which may speak multiple protocols, e.g. via plugins - however, use standard methods of storing data (e.g. full text search components), normalized database schema in order to allow programs/tools that don't speak the protocols mentioned above to get data easily - these 2 principles clash; the code will need to stabilize until it is wise to directly try to access e.g. the database. Even then, breaking changes will not be avoided if e.g. cleanness of design would be compromised Compilation instructions ======================== FPC 2.7.1/trunk is preferred for the server/CGI programs. At least FPC 2.6.2 fpweb does not accept the DELETE method. For the client program, Lazarus trunk has been used for development. 1. Compile hgversion.pas, e.g.: fpc hgversion.pas 2. Compile the program(s) you want 2.1 With Lazarus: lazbuild tigercgi.lpi lazbuild tigerclient.lpi lazbuild tigerserver.lpi 2.2 With FreePascal: - Run hgversion first to update the version info fpc -dCGI tigercgi.lpr fpc tigerserver.lpr Installation instructions ========================= - prerequisites: Linux/*nix (virtual) machine. Windows support may come later. - prerequisites: have sane installed and configured for your scanner. E.g.: aptitude install sane-utils - prerequisites: have tesseract installed and configured. E.g.: aptitude install tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-eng #for English language support Note: we need version 3 because of hOCR support needed for getting searchable PDFs. - prerequisites: have exactimage installed (for hocr2pdf), e.g.: aptitude install exactimage - Tesseract must/can then be configured to output hocr, e.g.: check you have this file present (adjust config directory to your situation): cat /usr/local/share/tessdata/configs/hocr If not (again, adjust config file location to your situation): cat >> /usr/local/share/tessdata/configs/hocr << "EOF_DOCUMENT" tessedit_create_hocr 1 EOF_DOCUMENT - prerequisites: have pdftk installed (for concatenating pdfs), e.g.: aptitude install pdftk - nice to have: have scantailor installed (for aligning/cleaning up the tiff images before OCR). see installation notes below Installing the command line server: - copy to server directory (e.g. /opt/tigerserver/) - copy to server directory - copy tigerserver to server directory - go to the server directory and make files executable, e.g. (replace directory with your own if necessary): cd /opt/tigerserver/ chmod u+rx chmod u+rx chmod u+rx tigerserver - copy tigerserver.ini.template to tigerserver.ini and edit settings to match your environment Test by running ./tigerserver --help Installing the cgi application: - prerequisites: apache2 or another HTTP server that supports cgi aptitude install apache2 - copy tigercgi to cgi directory (e.g. /usr/lib/cgi-bin). Make sure the user Apache runs under may read and execute the file (e.g. chmod ugo+rx tigercgi) - copy to cgi directory (e.g. /usr/lib/cgi-bin/) - copy to cgi directory - copy tigercgi to cgi directory - copy tigerserver.ini.template to tigerserver.ini in the cgi directory and edit settings to match your environment - go to the cgi directory and make files executable for the apache/www user, e.g. (replace directory with your own if necessary): cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ # replace user/groups below with correct user/group if needed, e.g. apache2 chown www-data:www-data chown www-data:www-data chown www-data:www-data tigercgi chown www-data:www-data tigerserver.ini # make scripts executable: chmod u+rx chmod u+rx chmod u+rx tigercgi chmod u+r tigerserver.ini Installing the client: - prerequisites: *nix: imagemagick dev libraries installed: e.g. aptitude install imagemagick - prerequisites: Windows: imagemagick DLLs e.g. Q16 x86 or x64 (depending on papertiger client bitness) version downloaded from in client directory or in path - compilation without imagemagick is possible (see source code for compiler define) but the program will be much slower - copy tigerclient.ini.template to tigerclient.ini and edit settings to match your environment Building Tesseract 3 ==================== If tesseract 3 is not available for your platform, you will need to build it. Preliminary notes for building Tesseract 3 on Debian aqueeze sources: aptitude install build-essential leptonica libleptonica-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev zlib1g-dev # as root: cd ~ wget tar -zxvf tesseract-3.01.tar.gz cd tesseract-3.01 ./runautoconf ./configure make checkinstall #follow the prompts and type "y" to create documentation directory. # Enter a brief description then press enter twice ldconfig #language/training data, e.g. for Dutch and English: #todo: check dir cd /usr/local/share/tessdata wget gunzip nld.traineddata.gz wget gunzip tesseract-ocr-3.01.eng.tar.gz Building scantailor from source =============================== Scantailor is being developed; we use the scantailor enhanced fork. Build instructions: Notes for Debian below. # get compilers and dependencies aptitude install build-essential cmake libqt4-dev libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev \ libpng-dev libtiff-dev libtiff5-alt-dev libboost-dev libxrender-dev \ #libtiff5-alt-dev for good measure; hope it improves tiff support Get source from git repository: cd ~ git clone git:// scantailor cd scantailor git checkout enhanced #check out branch called "enhanced" cmake . make su - #switch to root cd /home/pascaldev/scantailor #or wherever the files are located make install exit #out of root Miscellaneous notes =================== Getting PDF viewers to open a certain page: Adobe Acrobat Reader acrobat.exe /A "page=<pageNo>" could also use "nameddest=<named destination>" SumatraPDF sumatrapdf -reuse-instance -page <pageNo> Scrolls the first indicated file to the indicated page. Tells an already open SumatraPDF to load the indicated files. If there are several running instances, behaviour is undefined. ImageMagick DLLs on Windows =========================== The following dlls seem sufficient for converting TIFF images for the client - I just copied all dlls: CORE_RL_bzlib_.dll CORE_RL_jbig_.dll CORE_RL_jp2_.dll CORE_RL_jpeg_.dll CORE_RL_lcms_.dll CORE_RL_libxml_.dll CORE_RL_Magick++_.dll CORE_RL_magick_.dll CORE_RL_png_.dll CORE_RL_tiff_.dll CORE_RL_ttf_.dll CORE_RL_wand_.dll CORE_RL_xlib_.dll CORE_RL_zlib_.dll X11.dll Xext.dll In modules\coders (just copied all dlls) IM_MOD_RL_aai_.dll IM_MOD_RL_art_.dll IM_MOD_RL_avs_.dll IM_MOD_RL_bgr_.dll IM_MOD_RL_bmp_.dll IM_MOD_RL_braille_.dll IM_MOD_RL_cals_.dll IM_MOD_RL_caption_.dll IM_MOD_RL_cin_.dll IM_MOD_RL_cip_.dll IM_MOD_RL_clipboard_.dll IM_MOD_RL_clip_.dll IM_MOD_RL_cmyk_.dll IM_MOD_RL_cut_.dll IM_MOD_RL_dcm_.dll IM_MOD_RL_dds_.dll IM_MOD_RL_debug_.dll IM_MOD_RL_dib_.dll IM_MOD_RL_djvu_.dll IM_MOD_RL_dng_.dll IM_MOD_RL_dot_.dll IM_MOD_RL_dps_.dll IM_MOD_RL_dpx_.dll IM_MOD_RL_emf_.dll IM_MOD_RL_ept_.dll IM_MOD_RL_exr_.dll IM_MOD_RL_fax_.dll IM_MOD_RL_fd_.dll IM_MOD_RL_fits_.dll IM_MOD_RL_fpx_.dll IM_MOD_RL_gif_.dll IM_MOD_RL_gradient_.dll IM_MOD_RL_gray_.dll IM_MOD_RL_hald_.dll IM_MOD_RL_hdr_.dll IM_MOD_RL_histogram_.dll IM_MOD_RL_hrz_.dll IM_MOD_RL_html_.dll IM_MOD_RL_icon_.dll IM_MOD_RL_info_.dll IM_MOD_RL_inline_.dll IM_MOD_RL_ipl_.dll IM_MOD_RL_jbig_.dll IM_MOD_RL_jnx_.dll IM_MOD_RL_jp2_.dll IM_MOD_RL_jpeg_.dll IM_MOD_RL_label_.dll IM_MOD_RL_mac_.dll IM_MOD_RL_magick_.dll IM_MOD_RL_map_.dll IM_MOD_RL_matte_.dll IM_MOD_RL_mat_.dll IM_MOD_RL_meta_.dll IM_MOD_RL_miff_.dll IM_MOD_RL_mono_.dll IM_MOD_RL_mpc_.dll IM_MOD_RL_mpeg_.dll IM_MOD_RL_mpr_.dll IM_MOD_RL_msl_.dll IM_MOD_RL_mtv_.dll IM_MOD_RL_mvg_.dll IM_MOD_RL_null_.dll IM_MOD_RL_otb_.dll IM_MOD_RL_palm_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pango_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pattern_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pcd_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pcl_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pcx_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pdb_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pdf_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pes_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pict_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pix_.dll IM_MOD_RL_plasma_.dll IM_MOD_RL_png_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pnm_.dll IM_MOD_RL_preview_.dll IM_MOD_RL_ps2_.dll IM_MOD_RL_ps3_.dll IM_MOD_RL_psd_.dll IM_MOD_RL_ps_.dll IM_MOD_RL_pwp_.dll IM_MOD_RL_raw_.dll IM_MOD_RL_rgb_.dll IM_MOD_RL_rla_.dll IM_MOD_RL_rle_.dll IM_MOD_RL_scr_.dll IM_MOD_RL_sct_.dll IM_MOD_RL_sfw_.dll IM_MOD_RL_sgi_.dll IM_MOD_RL_stegano_.dll IM_MOD_RL_sun_.dll IM_MOD_RL_svg_.dll IM_MOD_RL_tga_.dll IM_MOD_RL_thumbnail_.dll IM_MOD_RL_tiff_.dll IM_MOD_RL_tile_.dll IM_MOD_RL_tim_.dll IM_MOD_RL_ttf_.dll IM_MOD_RL_txt_.dll IM_MOD_RL_uil_.dll IM_MOD_RL_url_.dll IM_MOD_RL_uyvy_.dll IM_MOD_RL_vicar_.dll IM_MOD_RL_vid_.dll IM_MOD_RL_viff_.dll IM_MOD_RL_wbmp_.dll IM_MOD_RL_webp_.dll IM_MOD_RL_wmf_.dll IM_MOD_RL_wpg_.dll IM_MOD_RL_xbm_.dll IM_MOD_RL_xcf_.dll IM_MOD_RL_xc_.dll IM_MOD_RL_xpm_.dll IM_MOD_RL_xps_.dll IM_MOD_RL_xtrn_.dll IM_MOD_RL_xwd_.dll IM_MOD_RL_x_.dll IM_MOD_RL_ycbcr_.dll IM_MOD_RL_yuv_.dll in modules\filters analyze.dll