
ONVIF, WS-Discovery, RTSP servers loading camera from generic library.

Primary LanguageC

Generic ONVIF Server

Reimplementation of this great ONVIF server template including RTSP video and WS-Discovery servers into a single program. Camera is loaded using a dynamic library implementing the generic camera interface.


  • Work in progress !.
  • Many ONVIF features not implemented.
  • Has only been tested with ONVIF Device Manager.
  • Pretty big binary, might not be suited for embedded.


soapcpp2 and wsdl2h binaries from gSOAP are required.
Follow the installation guide : here

Easiest way to get the packages is from distribution repositories (apt-get, pacman, ...).
Names can vary depending of the distribution :

  • gstreamer
  • gst-rtsp-server
  • gst-plugins-base
  • gst-plugins-good
  • gst-vaapi

Depending on the encoder you want to use, you might need to add other gst packages.
You can activate GStreamer debug output setting GST_DEBUG variable to wanted log level.


$ make             # release
$ make debug       # debug symbols and asan
$ make clean       # clean target and objects
$ make deep-clean  # also clean gSOAP generated files
Usage: onvif-server [options]
  -h | --help                  Print this help.
  -d | --debug                 Activate debug output.
  --xaddr           <addr>     Address used by client to reach ONVIF server.
  --configs         <path>     Configurations file path.


  • Configurations can be loaded with the parameter --configs, use it multiple time to load multiple files.
  • You can put all configurations in a single file but be sure to load PROFILE category last.
  • Example configurations can be found inside configs folder.
  • Default configurations search paths are ./onvif.configand /etc/generic-onvif-server/configs/onvif.config if no configuration path is provided.
  • More details here


Camera are loaded giving the path of a dynamic library implementing the CameraGeneric class interface.
Add the path of the lib in the configuration category STREAM under the variable camera_lib.
In the camera directory you can find camera_generic.h and camera_generic_structs.h specifiying CameraGeneric class interface.

An example Makefile and two example camera libraries are within the directory :

  • camera_dummy is a mocked camera wich simulates a camera.
  • camera_v4l2 is a (really bad written) library to use v4l2 cameras.

Just run make inside camera directory to generate libdummycam.so and libv4l2cam.so


  • Load configurations from files.
  • Get rid of xaddr parameter.
  • Save configurations into files before exiting.
  • Simplify configurations (Camera capabilities might be sufficient for PTZ range for example).
  • Implement ONVIF System features.
  • Add HTTPS.
  • Make RTSP server more generic (only take JPEG frame currently).
  • Add dynamic runtime modification on GStreamer pipeline. (adding OSD for example).
  • Add capabilities request for generic camera headers.
  • Add Doxygen-like comments on important functions (mostly camera folder).
  • Hard refactoring on CameraV4L2.
  • Add usage function in camera generic.
  • Handle GStreamer behavior when it failed to create pipeline (either log it or exit).