
A text-based list of 1000+ Admiral domains and IP addresses

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


What is this?

This is simply a text-based list of over 600 domains that are used by the company Admiral, which is "the visitor relationship management company". They make an anti-adblock piece of software, which is also likely used to help collect analytics on users who visit their website.

In order to do this, they use hundreds of domains to facilitate this. This repository contains as many domains as are known about, with each domain separated by a newline. These are provided for educational and research purposes only.


Pull requests are accepted and are very welcome! The format of the file is pretty simple, and I do request that you follow it. When submitting changes, please keep the file sorted. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Thank you to all of the contributors that have contributed to this list so far. Your help is really appreciated. :)