
update social media bio to playing track from spotify

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Logo made by Mann-E. Courtesy of Muhammadreza Haghiri.


Sync your currently playing song on Spotify with your social media's bio!

Welcome to the "jamsync" repository! Using the Spotify API, "jamsync" retrieves the name of the song you're listening to and updates your bio to display the title of the song. This provides an easy way for your social media contacts to see what you're currently listening to and start a conversation about your music taste.
With "jamsync", you can effortlessly share your favorite tunes with your social media community and make new music connections. The setup process is simple and the script runs in the background, so you can focus on enjoying your music while "jamsync" takes care of the rest.

Thank you for checking out "jamsync"!

Table of Contents


JamSync is a Python script and can update Skype bio for now.
I need to add more social media support with your contributions.


To use "jamsync", you must have a Spotify account and a Spotify-Client-ID. You can get a Spotify-Client-ID by following the instructions on here. (You can look at the video for easier understanding.)

Note: set the redirect URI to "http://localhost:8080/callback"

Then you should clone the repository and install the dependencies. You can install "jamsync" dependencies with the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You need the config file to run the script and the config.example.ini file is an example of the config file. After filling the config file, you can run the script with the following command:

CONFIG_PATH=./config.ini python jamsync.py

The environment variable CONFIG_PATH is the path to the config file.

Config File

The config file is an INI file, and it has 2 sections:

  • [Spotify]

    • client_id: Your Spotify-Client-ID (Required)
    • client_secret: Your Spotify-Client-Secret (Required)
  • [Skype]

    • enabled: set it true for now (Required) :))
    • username: Your Microsoft-Account-Username (Required)
    • password: Your Microsoft-Account-Password (Required)


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. You can contribute to this project by checking the document.


You can contact me on Email.