
Java-version of Carin Meier's Wonderland Kata "Tiny Maze"

Primary LanguageJava

tiny-maze: Java Edition

This project is based on the great kata "tiny-maze" from Carin Meier. I changed the description to match Java's syntax. The rest of the description is taken from the original repository.


Alice found herself very tiny and wandering around Wonderland. Even the grass around her seemed like a maze.


Let's write a tiny maze solver in Java. The maze is represented as a 2d-array:

new String[][] {
    {"S", "0", "1"},
    {"1", "0", "1"},
    {"1", "0", "E"}
  • S: start of the maze
  • E: end of maze
  • 1: This is a wall that you cannot pass through
  • 0: A free space you can move through

The goal is the get to the end of the maze. A solved maze will have a "x" in the start, the path, and the end of the maze, like this.

new String[][] {
    {"x", "x", "1"},
    {"1", "x", "1"},
    {"1", "x", "x"}


  • Clone or fork this repository
  • cd tiny-maze
  • Run the continuous tests with gradle test -t
  • Write tests in TDD-style until you have a working solver


Source code:

Copyright © 2018 Christian Meter

Original project-description and idea of the kata:

Copyright © 2014 Carin Meier

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.