A script to automate privilege escalation with CVE-2023-22809 vulnerability
- 0Magenta0@NiliumMC
- 0xsyr0Security Consultant Company
- 6t2United States
- Am0rphousNorwegian University of Science and Technology
- beerandgin
- dust-life
- famasoonTokyo, Japn
- For3stCo1d
- FreeZeroDaysNetragard
- h4ndshPortugal
- hartl3y94Hartley94
- helloyw
- hitenkoku
- HyperBeatsGaiaServeur
- Ivanich41
- jivoiSomewhere Out in Space
- KaizironHong Kong
- kimocoder@aircrack-ng
- Kr0ffCicadaSec
- loecho-secloecho
- mattreduce@hashicorp and @srcmtd
- maulvialfIndonesia
- n3m1sysDeloitte Technology & Transformation
- nclvCalypt
- ongyuann
- pantomath000
- ScriptIdiotHong Kong
- shaunographyEngland
- snovvcrashAngara Security
- Squirre17AAUN
- tomasower
- TylersTech2020Tyler's Tech Service
- udpsec
- whiterabb17
- wr3cckl3ssThe Elite
- XiaoliChan::/0