
Humber's Web Application Programming assignment

Primary LanguageHTML


This assignment aims to reinforce your understanding of the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) and how to manipulate it using JavaScript. You will create a dynamic web page that responds to user interactions, alters content, structure, and style, demonstrating fundamental concepts of DOM manipulation.

Assignment Details:

  1. Create a Basic Web Page Layout

    • Develop an HTML page with the following elements:

      • A header with a title.

      • A navigation bar with at least three links (these can be dummy links).

      • A main content area with at least two sections or articles.

      • A sidebar with a list of items.

      • A footer with your name as the author.

  2. Implement DOM Manipulation Using JavaScript

    • Add a script tag to your HTML page and implement the following functionalities:

    • Content Replacement: When a user clicks on an item in the sidebar, change the content of one of the sections in the main content area.

      • Style Alteration: Add a button that, when clicked, changes the colour scheme of the page (e.g., background colour, text colour).

      • Element Creation and Deletion: Allow the user to add new items to the sidebar list and remove existing items.

      • Event Handling: Display a pop-up message when a user hovers over the header.

  3. Ensure User-Friendly Interface

    • The page should be easy to navigate.

    • Ensure that all JavaScript interactions are smooth and do not cause abrupt page reloads.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submit a link to the live version of your webpage.

  • Ensure your code is well-commented to describe your logic.

  • If any resources are used (like images or external scripts), please include references or sources.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Correct implementation of DOM manipulation techniques.

  • Code readability and proper commenting.

  • User interface and interaction design.