
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

IR Cloner

This module allows to decode and replicate IR remotes while being remotely controllable by MQTT.


At the first boot or if the WiFi is unavailable, the ESP will create an accespoint named IR-CLONER.

Connect to this AP using your smartphone or computer and go to

The WiFI and MQTT are not mandatory, the device can be used with the AP and ESPUI interface


When a remote control is detected the raw sequence is decoded and can be retrieved from :

  • Serial port : baud rate = 115200 by default
  • ESPUI interface : Debug tab and IR CMD pannel
  • MQTT : MQTT Topic out

You can send an IR command using :

  • Serial port : paste the raw sequence array
  • ESPUI interface : paste the raw sequence array, press ENTER and clic on the SEND button
  • MQTT : MQTT Topic in


  • Wemos D1
  • IR LED
  • IR Receiver
  • 2N2222 Transistor
  • 100Ohm and 4.7kOhm resitors
  • 2x 10x3mm neodymium magnets


  • Emmiter : GND
  • Base : D2 (GPIO 4)
  • Collector : LED (-)
  • IR Receiver : D5 (GPIO 14)
