
Slightly modern ASP.NET 4 project template

Primary LanguageC#

(Slightly Modern) MVC 5 / ASP.NET 4 Project Template

ASPNET Core is out and your project is stuck with ASP.NET 4.x? This Visual Studio project template provides a middle-ground by adding "modern" tools to a traditional ASP.NET workflow.

What's included?

Included Replaces
bower Nuget, to install client-side libraries
npm modules ScriptBundle and StyleBundle
npm scripts various

Setting up

  1. Specify the libraries you need (like JQuery, Knockout, etc) in bower.json
  2. Run npm install to download these packages and a post-install script will copy only the necessary files (unlike in ASPNET Core)

During development

Use the sample npm scripts in package.json to bundle, minifiy and watch your LESS, Sass, TypeScript or other assets.


Custom MSBuild targets will automatically copy the generated assets during publishing.