
Build Status Code Climate


  1. Git
  2. NodeJS
  3. npm (comes with NodeJS)
  4. mongoDB


  1. Node.js Tools for Visual Studio (need for opening .njsproj files)

Getting started

  1. git clone
  2. cd competency-profiles/competency-profile
  3. npm install (Note: you may need to use npm install --msvs_version=2013 if you get an error about MSBuild Tools not being found)
  4. npm start
  5. view @ http://localhost:3000/

Seeding your database

The first time you run the application you will need to seed your mongoDB database.

  1. Startup the mongoDB.exe executable (Windows) or run mongod (OSX and *nix). You may need to use the argument --dbpath <path> to tell mongoDB where you want your data stored.
  2. Run npm install -g node-mongo-seeds.
  3. Run seed from inside the competency-profile folder.

Running Tests with Karma

Currently we are setup to use the Karma test runner with the Jasmine test framework. Karma is a neat test runner that will watch your test files for changes and run them as you change them. Jasmine is the test framework it uses to run them. We may change over to the Mocha test framework in the future.

To run launch the configured test script (karma) using npm:

    npm test

To run Karma run this command from competency-profiles/competency-profile:

    karma start

This will run the tests and then wait for any changes to the test files, updating the results as it goes.
