
A guide on how to customize create-react-app without ejecting


React doesn't come with a CLI. The closest thing right now is create-react-app but it's all or nothing for the most part.

The goal of this guide is to summarize different ways to customize create-react-app without the hassle of manually setting up everything from scratch.

I want use create-react-app but...

Use TypeScript instead of JavaScript

  • $ create-react-app my-app --scripts-version=react-scripts-ts
  • Or add the package and update npm scripts

Use Sass instead of CSS

  1. Add and configure node-sass-chokidar, reference: official docs
  2. Update npm scripts

Use Mobx instead of setState

  • option 1: Without decorators - just add and use the mobx package
  • option 2: Using @decorators - use react-app-rewired

Use Ava instead of Jest

  • [todo]