
A lightweight (~2kB) library to create range sliders that can capture a value or a range of values with one or two drag handles

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A lightweight (~2kB) library to create range sliders that can capture a value or a range of values with one or two drag handles.

Examples / CodePen



  • High CSS customizability
  • Touch and keyboard accessible
  • Supports negative values
  • Vertical orientation
  • Small and fast
  • Zero dependencies
  • Supported by all major browsers
  • Has a React component wrapper

⚠️ It is recommended that you upgrade from v1.x to v2.x! What's new and what's changed in v2.x?



npm install range-slider-input

Import the rangeSlider constructor and the core CSS:

import rangeSlider from 'range-slider-input';
import 'range-slider-input/dist/style.css';


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/range-slider-input@2.4/dist/rangeslider.umd.min.js"></script>


<script src="https://unpkg.com/range-slider-input@2"></script>

The core CSS comes bundled with the jsDelivr and unpkg imports.


import rangeSlider from 'range-slider-input';
import 'range-slider-input/dist/style.css';

const rangeSliderElement = rangeSlider(element);


rangeSlider(element, options = {})

Returns an object of functions that can be called to read or write the properties initially set by options.





Object that specifies the characteristics of the range slider element with the following available properties:

Property Type Default value Description
min number 0 Number that specifies the lowest value in the range of permitted values.
Its value must be less than that of max.
max number 100 Number that specifies the greatest value in the range of permitted values.
Its value must be greater than that of min.
step number / string 1 Number that specifies the amount by which the slider value(s) will change upon user interaction.
Other than numbers, the value of step can be a string value of any.

From MDN,
A string value of any means that no stepping is implied, and any value is allowed (barring other constraints, such as min and max).
value number[] [25, 75] Array of two numbers that specify the values of the lower and upper offsets of the range slider element respectively.
onInput function NOOP Function to be called when there is a change in the value(s) of range sliders upon user interaction or upon calling min(), max(), step(), value() or orientation().

Usage: (value, userInteraction) => {}

value holds the current lower and upper values in an array and userInteraction is a boolean value which is true if the value is changed upon user interaction.
onThumbDragStart function NOOP Function to be called when the pointerdown event is triggered for any of the thumbs.
onThumbDragEnd function NOOP Function to be called when the pointerup event is triggered for any of the thumbs.
onRangeDragStart function NOOP Function to be called when the pointerdown event is triggered for the range.
onRangeDragEnd function NOOP Function to be called when the pointerup event is triggered for the range.
disabled boolean false Boolean that specifies if the range slider element is disabled or not.
rangeSlideDisabled boolean false Boolean that specifies if the range is slidable or not.
thumbsDisabled boolean[] [false, false] Array of two Booleans which specify if the lower and upper thumbs are disabled or not, respectively. If only one Boolean value is passed instead of an array, the value will apply to both thumbs.
orientation string horizontal String that specifies the axis along which the user interaction is to be registered. By default, the range slider element registers the user interaction along the X-axis. It takes two different values: horizontal and vertical.

Return value

Object of functions that can be called to read or write the properties initially set by the options parameter. Available functions:

min(), max(), step(), value() and orientation()

These are simple getter and setter functions. So, while calling these functions, if a parameter is supplied, the corresponding values will be set, and if a parameter is not supplied, the corresponding values will be returned. E.g. Calling step() will return the step value, and calling value([0, 0.5]) will set the lower and upper offsets to 0 and 0.5 respectively.

disabled(), rangeSlideDisabled()

The default parameter is set to true. So, if they are called without a parameter, they will set the corresponding values to true. Thus, calling disabled() or disabled(true) will set options.disabled = true and calling disabled(false) will set options.disabled = false.


The default parameter is set to [true, true]. So, if it is called without a parameter, it will disable both thumbs. Example uses:

//                          thumbs -> lower     upper
//                                    -----     -----
thumbsDisabled()                // disabled  disabled
thumbsDisabled(true)            // disabled  disabled
thumbsDisabled(false)           //  enabled   enabled
thumbsDisabled([])              //  enabled   enabled
thumbsDisabled([false])         //  enabled   enabled
thumbsDisabled([true])          // disabled   enabled
thumbsDisabled([true, false])   // disabled   enabled
thumbsDisabled([false, true])   //  enabled  disabled
thumbsDisabled([false, false])  //  enabled   enabled
thumbsDisabled([true, true])    // disabled  disabled


Returns the index (0 for the lower value and 1 for the upper value) of the value which is currently being modified. Returns -1 when the slider is idle.


Removes the global event listeners. It should be called when removing the range slider element from the DOM dynamically.


<div class="range-slider"><!-- range slider element -->
    <input type="range" /><!-- hidden -->
    <input type="range" /><!-- hidden -->
    <div class="range-slider__thumb" data-lower></div>
    <div class="range-slider__thumb" data-upper></div>
    <div class="range-slider__range"></div>

<div class="range-slider"></div> is the wrapper element that was used to instantiate the range slider initially and is added with a CSS class named range-slider.

<input type="range" /> elements are used to set values and are hidden.

<div class="range-slider__thumb"></div> elements are the slidable thumbs replacing the original thumbs from the <input type="range" /> elements.

<div class="range-slider__range"></div> element fills up the space between the thumbs.


View styled examples

element-selector {
    /* CSS for the wrapper element */
element-selector[data-disabled] {
    /* CSS for disabled range slider element */
element-selector .range-slider__range {
    /* CSS for range */
element-selector .range-slider__range[data-active] {
    /* CSS for active (actively being dragged) range */
element-selector .range-slider__thumb {
    /* CSS for thumbs */
element-selector .range-slider__thumb[data-lower] {
    /* CSS for lower thumb */
element-selector .range-slider__thumb[data-upper] {
    /* CSS for upper thumb */
element-selector .range-slider__thumb[data-active] {
    /* CSS for active (actively being dragged) thumbs */
element-selector .range-slider__thumb[data-disabled] {
    /* CSS for disabled thumbs */

Refer to the style.css file to know more about styling the range slider element and its children.

Component Wrappers

React: react-range-slider-input


MIT © Utkarsh Verma