
MySensors Raspberry Port

Primary LanguageC++

Wiring the NRF24

Checking your Hardware Version

On the shell execute 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' at the bottom of the output you will find the
field 'Revision'. Revision values of a01041, a21041 or 0010 inidicate Hardware Version
B+ anything else V2.

Pi Hardware Version V2

GND	  25
VCC	  17
CE	  22
CSN   24
SCK   23
MOSI  19
MISO  21
IRQ	  --

Pi Hardware Version B+

GND	  25
VCC	  17
CE	  15
CSN   24
SCK   23
MOSI  19
MISO  21
IRQ	  --

Building Serial Gateway

The standard configuration will build the Serial Gateway with a tty name of
'/dev/ttyMySensorsGateway' and PTS group ownership of 'tty' the PTS will be group read 
and write. The default install location will be /usr/local/sbin. If you want to change
that edit the variables in the head of the Makefile.

First build the librf24-bcm library

- Change to librf24-bcm
- make all
- sudo make install

Build the Gateway

- change back to Raspberry Dir
- make all
- sudo make install
- (if you want to start daemon at boot) sudo make enable-gwserial


- change to Raspberry Dir
- sudo make uninstall

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