A lightweight python wallpaper changer for Gnome 3, Unity and Pantheon
To install Wall-E, simply place the .wall-e.cnf configuration file in your users home directory (~).
Wall-E uses json for its configuration, so it is very simple to setup. There are only 2 configuration options:
- path - The folder containing the wallpapers.
- minutes - The duration, in minutes, between each wallpaper change.
Lastly, run Wall-E! This can be achieved by doing the following:
- Set the script to be exectuable:
chmod +x /path/to/wall-e.py
- Move the script to a location in your $PATH, this should work on most systems:
sudo mv /path/to/wall-e.py /usr/bin/
- Run the script:
You will probably want to set this up to run as a startup application.