
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CloudEvents Conformance Testing

cloudevents is a tool for testing CloudEvents receivers.

GoDoc Go Report Card

Work in progress.


cloudevents can be installed via:

go get github.com/cloudevents/conformance/cmd/cloudevents

To update your installation:

go get -u github.com/cloudevents/conformance/cmd/cloudevents


cloudevents has three commands at the moment: send, invoke and listen.


send will do a one-off creation of a cloudevent and send to a given target.

cloudevents send http://localhost:8080 --id abc-123 --source cloudevents.conformance.tool --type foo.bar


invoke will read yaml files, convert them to http and send them to the given target.

cloudevents invoke http://localhost:8080 -f ./yaml/v0.3


listen will accept http request and write the converted yaml to stdout.

cloudevents listen -v > got.yaml

Optionally, you can forward the incoming request to a target.

cloudevents listen -v -t http://localhost:8181 > got.yaml


diff compares two yaml event files.

cloudevents diff ./want.yaml ./got.yaml

want.yaml could have fewer fields specified to allow for fuzzy matching.

Example, if you only wanted to compare on type and ignore additional fields:

$ cat ./want.yaml
  type: com.example.someevent
$ cat ./got.yaml
Mode: structured
  specversion: 1.0
  type: com.example.someevent
  time: 2018-04-05T03:56:24Z
  id: 4321-4321-4321-a
  source: /mycontext/subcontext
    comexampleextension1 : "value"
    comexampleextension2 : |
      {"othervalue": 5}
  user-agent: "foo"
Data: |

$ cloudevents diff ./want.yaml ./got.yaml --match type --ignore-additions

This validates that at least one event of type com.example.someevent is present in the got.yaml file.

Advanced Usage

If you would like to produce a pre-produced event yaml file, you can use listen to collect requests. This works with both running event producers that can be directed at the listen port or directly with send.