
Repo for my sessions at the Hong Kong Opensource Conference 2022

Primary LanguageC#

Secure your Open Source projects for free

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2022

Repo for my sessions at the Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2022


Security issues, dependency vulnerabilities, misconfigurations... All of those can make or break your Open Source projects. Also, you want to make sure you adhere to the best practices, especially when you use more complex tools like for example Kubernetes.

In this session we will see how we can use the tools that GitHub and Datree provide (most are Open Source too!) to secure your project and make sure that no misconfiguration ever reaches the deployment targets!

Support Material

Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/n3wt0n/secure-your-open-source-projects-for-free

Presentation Video: https://youtu.be/QPKRd3jNnys