this is a ready template to start working with express

just fellow this easy steps :

step 1 : run this sample command to clone this template to your pc

git clone

step 2 : after cloning the repo run a terminal inside the cloned repo folder and run this command to install all dependencies

npm install

step 3 : after install all dependencies you will need to run the server next on your terminal just type this sample command :

npm start

Template Structure:

  • controllers
    • controllers.js
  • db
    • connectdb.js
  • extra
    • errhandler.js
    • notfound.js
  • routes
    • routes.js
  • schemas
    • model.js
  • app.js
  • package.json

and voila you got your express server runing and restartnig with each code change just dont forget to include your mongodb cluster in .env file after the name "MONGO = your_cluster_key"