This is a simple Notification System that was inspired by NoPixel. I will continue to update this as I need to. Support will be limited but you're free to join the discord to get help if you need it.
This is an edited version of Alzar's "Mythic Notify"
- Nice Styling
- Police Notifications
- QBCore Intergration
- FontAwesome Icons
-- Client Side
TriggerEvent('nd-notify:client:sendAlert', {
type = 'primary', -- Types = [primary, success, error, police]
text = 'This is a test primary notification!',
length = 3000,
style = {['background-color'] = '#FFFFFF', ['color'] = '#000000' } -- This is optional
-- Server Side
TriggerClientEvent('nd-notify:client:sendAlert', source, {
type = 'primary', -- Types = [primary, success, error, police]
text = 'This is a test primary notification!',
length = 3000,
style = {['background-color'] = '#FFFFFF', ['color'] = '#000000' } -- This is optional
Do this only if you want to be able to use this style with QBCore.Functions.Notify
In Functions.lua in qb-core change your line 142 to look like this
function QBCore.Functions.Notify(text, texttype, length)
if type(text) == "table" then -- Notifcations using these tables will still use QBCores Default Notifications since I have provided support for titles and captions at the moment. Next update?
local ttext = text.text or 'Placeholder'
local caption = text.caption or 'Placeholder'
texttype = texttype or 'primary'
length = length or 5000
action = 'notify',
type = texttype,
length = length,
text = ttext,
caption = caption
TriggerEvent('nd-notify:client:sendAlert', {
type = texttype or 'inform',
text = text,
length = length or 5000
Note: Removed Persistant Notifications for the time being. I will be adding them back soon.