
An easy to understand implementation of the Canny Edge Detection Algorithm in python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


An easy to understand implementation of the Canny Edge Detection Algorithm in python

Please refer to this excellent link to better understand the algorithm : "http://justin-liang.com/tutorials/canny/"

Important Points:

  • I have used a relatively slow iterative approach to perform the function of Double Thresholding Hysterisis, a better and time-saving alternative is to use a recursive algorithm which tracks the edges.
  • The value of Sigma to implement Gaussian Blur is image specific, different values can be tested to see which give the best estimate of edges.
  • The ratio of the thresholds is again another variable, but the ones that I have used in the code give pretty good estimates for any particular image.
  • Non Maxima Suppression with Interpolation although being computationally expensive, gives excellent estimates and is better tha NMS without interpolation