
A React Native library with some bottom sheet (using modal)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A React Native library with some bottom sheet (using modal)

npm versionnpm dependency status

Getting started

$ npm install rn-inka-element --save


You need install moment for ModalDateTime

$ npm install moment --save

You need install react-native-vector-icons for ModalNumberPad

$ npm install react-native-vector-icons --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link rn-inka-element



import { ModalNumberPad } from 'rn-inka-element';

// Use ModalNumberPad
  onRequestClose={() => modal_number_visible = false}
  onConfirm={value => {
    modal_number_visible = false;
  onCancel={() => modal_number_visible = false}
    title_thin: 'Choose ',
    title_bold: '"Product Price"',
    button_ok: 'OK',
    button_cancel: 'Cancel',
  visible={modal_number_visible} />


Prop Support Description
onValueChange iOS/Android Callback function to receive new value of number pad. You need change your store value here to update value to number pad
valueInit iOS/Android Default value will display on pad
onConfirm iOS/Android Callback function when user press OK, note that if you def this props, a default button OK will render, callback param will be the number you need


import { ModalDateTime } from 'rn-inka-element';

// Use ModalDateTime
  onRequestClose={() => modal_datetime_visible = false}
  dateInit='2019-12-23 12:30'
  onCancel={() => modal_datetime_visible = false}
  onConfirm={(date) => {
    // date type is moment
    modal_datetime_visible = false;


Prop Support Description
dateInit iOS/Android Default value will display on pad
onConfirm iOS/Android Callback function when user press OK, note that if you def this props, a default button OK will render, callback param will be the moment you choosed


Other Modal is base on this component

import { ModalBottomSheet } from 'rn-inka-element';

// Use ModalDateTime
  onRequestClose={() => modal_option_visible = false}
  onCancel={() => modal_option_visible = false}
  onConfirm={() => modal_option_visible = false}
    title_thin: 'Choose ',
    title_bold: '"Product Price"',
    button_ok: 'OK',
    button_cancel: 'Cancel',
  renderContent={() => (
    <View style={styles.modal_container}>
      // Render your content here
  visible={modal_option_visible} />


Prop Support Description
onConfirm iOS/Android On OK button press, note that if you def this props, a default button OK will render
onCancel iOS/Android On Cancel button press, note that if you def this props, a default button Cancel will render
onSwipeDown iOS Work on iOS only, handle event when use swipe modal down. This event use over scroll of scroll view
onSwipeUp iOS Work on iOS only, handle event when use swipe modal up. This event use over scroll of scroll view
visible iOS/Android Important prop to control modal visible
onRequestClose iOS/Android This function use help this modal can close when click cancel, ok, outside
renderHeader iOS/Android Override render header of BottomSheet
enableScroll iOS/Android Enable scroll content if higher than screen
renderContent iOS/Android Render content of modal, in case enableScroll and scrollType is not 'ScrollView' renderContent will be disable
enableInput iOS/Android Show input below modal header, usually use to search data on List
onChangeText iOS/Android Callback when input text change, use for search & filter function
scrollType iOS/Android Type of content scrollview (when enableScroll = true), maybe FlatList, SectionList or ScrollView
scrollProps iOS/Android Custom props of ScrollView/FlatList..., you may use this to set data for List and all its props (include header, items)
lang iOS/Android Use this prop for multiple language

ModalBottomSheet with FlatList and Search input

You can use FlatList inside Modal very easy, or add an input on top of modal for seach function

import { ModalBottomSheet } from 'rn-inka-element';

  onRequestClose={() => modal_option_visible = false}
  onCancel={() => modal_option_visible = false}
  onConfirm={() => modal_option_visible = false}
    title_thin: 'Choose ',
    title_bold: '"Product Price"',
    button_ok: 'OK',
    button_cancel: 'Cancel',
  onChangeText={text => console.log(text)}
    data: options,
    keyExtractor: (item, index) => index.toString(),
    renderItem: (rowData, index) => {
      const option = rowData.item;

      return (
        // render item of list
  visible={modal_option_visible} />