DSA Postquantum standardisation candidate reported here: https://crypto-kantiana.com/main_papers/main_Signature.pdf


  • gcc compiler >= 9.2.1
  • OpenSSL library development package

Running instructions

Clone the repository files to some folder, e.g. ~/PQS, then execute the following commands to compile a project:

cd ~/PQS/Signature/

Run PQS testing script


All the desired parameters for testing script as well as the signature parameters itself could be adjusted in header files config.h, params.h.

Useage as an external library

In order to use this implementation in external project, please include sign.h header file to your project and follow the instructions below.

#include "~/PQS/Signature/sign.h"
  1. Allocate memory for public key, private key and a signature by declaring variables having special data types vk_t, sk_t, sig_t respectively;
  2. Generate a keypair by calling
PQS_keygen(vk, sk);
  1. Load a message to be signed to an array unsigned char m[] of length int mlen bytes
  2. Sign a message by calling
PQS_sign(sig, &m[0], sizeof(m), sk, vk);
  1. Verify a signature stored in a sig by calling a verification procedure
bool success = PQS_verify(sig, &m[0], sizeof(m), vk);

Please refer to the following paper for more details: https://crypto-kantiana.com/main_papers/main_Signature.pdf